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Sidebar themes

Mon May 09, 2005 2:35 pm

I was wondering if someone could help there anyway to change the sidebar theme in neopets because I'm kinda tired of looking at the same yellow sidebar all the time..please help..thanks

Mon May 09, 2005 2:39 pm

The only way to change it is either:
a.) Have your birthday
b.) Have unlocked one of the other sidebars on their special days.

(Correct me if I'm wrong...) The halloween one was unlockable on midnight on halloween, Valentines was unlockable on Feb. 14th by getting a mysterious valentines card, and the Winter one I don't think we ever figured out(o_O). If you didn't do any of these, you'll probably have to wait until you can unlock a new one. :(

Mon May 09, 2005 2:53 pm

atomicblonde wrote:The only way to change it is either:
a.) Have your birthday
b.) Have unlocked one of the other sidebars on their special days.

(Correct me if I'm wrong...) The halloween one was unlockable on midnight on halloween, Valentines was unlockable on Feb. 14th by getting a mysterious valentines card, and the Winter one I don't think we ever figured out(o_O). If you didn't do any of these, you'll probably have to wait until you can unlock a new one. :(

The winter one was supposedly confirmed as an RE but i've yet to see anyone prove it.
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