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Button mashing help

Sun May 08, 2005 10:32 pm

I need some help with the games where you have to press two buttons real fast. For some reason it seems to think I'm going rather slow, when I'm pretty much hitting one right after the other. I've tried going a bit slower to make sure I'm not pressing the same button twice in a row, but it didn't help. Is there some max speed it can record, and anything over causes an error?

Mon May 09, 2005 5:12 pm

Erm, i'm lil confused?

What type of games? Give an example please :)

Mon May 09, 2005 5:19 pm

500M peanut dash , Tug-O-War stuff like that . I think there is a secret that you don't need tohit them hard all the time just hit them softer and you still have enrgy in you finger :)

Keyboard Tapping

Wed May 11, 2005 12:32 am

Yeah, tapping at the keys instead of jamming them down does make them much faster. At 200m Peanut dash I use my right index and ring finger on the arrow keys, since it feels more comforatable that way and just quickly tap on the left and right keys. For the jumps, I usually press 2 of the 3 key combinations and hit the last one when I see a log.

Re: Keyboard Tapping

Thu May 12, 2005 12:56 pm

crazyoverbrian wrote:Yeah, tapping at the keys instead of jamming them down does make them much faster. At 200m Peanut dash I use my right index and ring finger on the arrow keys, since it feels more comforatable that way and just quickly tap on the left and right keys. For the jumps, I usually press 2 of the 3 key combinations and hit the last one when I see a log.

*Nod Uncontrollably*

Thu May 12, 2005 4:08 pm

Tapping works better.

Remember, keyboard keys are digital - it's either on, or or off. There is no in-between.

But when you mash things hard, you do it without any real control, so you lose speed (good control = good speed).

Seriously - just tap the buttons, and you'll be fine.
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