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Hilarious Translations

Sun May 08, 2005 6:39 pm

Lately, I've been browsing Neo in Spanish so that way I can get rid of those horrid ads at the end of the page. Well, I decided to use a translator to see if it as exact or not. Here's some of the ones I got.

Flaming Fire Faerie Pizza (Pizza del Hada del Fuego muy picante) - Pizza of the Fairy of the very spicy Fire
Pink Poogle Toy (Muñeco de Poogle rosa) - Dummy of Poogle rose (Can us PPTers take that one as offensive?! :P)
Faerieland (país de las hadas) - Country of the Fairies

And when I clicked on Invasion of Meridell, I got this...
¿Te apetece practicar un idioma extranjero? Prueba leyendo esta página porque todavía no está traducida al español.

Which translates to:
It desires you to practice a foreign language? It tests reading this page because yet is not translated al Spanish.



Sun May 08, 2005 6:52 pm

That last translation is awesome! I guess they translate the more visited pages first; Invasion of Meridell is pretty old.

Sun May 08, 2005 7:17 pm

There is a really funny one , anybody remember when neo said they were going to make pet pet morphing potions , well i was veiwing neo in french and i looked in my inventory and i saw something like' potion de la dogglefox' . i was so exited but i saw the item and it was those potatoe items eg potatoes with tuna etc .. try it and see
EDIT : Forgot to say neofixed the glitch a while back sorry :)

Re: Hilarious Translations

Sun May 08, 2005 8:16 pm

DM was on fire! wrote:Pink Poogle Toy (Muñeco de Poogle rosa) - Dummy of Poogle rose (Can us PPTers take that one as offensive?! :P)


Sun May 08, 2005 9:19 pm is horrible at translations.
WorldLingo works very goooood!

Sun May 08, 2005 10:11 pm

Dummy of Poogle rose eh? Sounds.. delicous!

Sun May 08, 2005 10:21 pm

Now this is why I can't stand online translators. -_- Every Spanish teacher's worst nightmare.

Sun May 08, 2005 11:10 pm

o_0 wrote:Now this is why I can't stand online translators. -_- Every Spanish teacher's worst nightmare.

Yeah--my teacher would yell at me for attempting to translate through babelfish. :oops:

Mon May 09, 2005 12:47 am

Babelfish is for entertainment only :roflol:

Mon May 09, 2005 1:00 am

Yeah, one of the problems is that free translators aren't very good. Another problem is that a lot of English words can't be translated exactly into Spanish, so you kind of have to work around it.

Mon May 09, 2005 2:48 am

At least Spanish actually has it translated. They haven't even bothered translating most of the stuff into French. Its just another forgotten aspect.

Mon May 09, 2005 3:20 am

My housemate teaches college-level Spanish translation courses and has occasionally gotten translations that were obviously done using a computer.

I know no Spanish, but from her descriptions it's hard to believe they didn't realize she'd notice.

Her opinion is that all computer translations suck, although I imagine some suck worse than others... she has a LJ icon that says, "Never send a computer to do a human's job with one of her favorite mistranslations (although that may have been done by a human who didn't know what they were doing, rather than a computer).

I should ask her to take a peek and see if the Neopets Spanish version is any good. I'd sort of be surprised -- I gather professional translation is pretty expensive, I can't imagine TNT laying out the sort of money it would cost.

Mon May 09, 2005 3:37 am

Yo Hablo Espaniol..... I speak spanish, and I would like to point out that these arent as wierd as you think. obviously, some old things from the beginning of the site being translated might be a little silly because they were still figuring things out. However, now, when you stick items or worlds or news and descriptions and such into an internet translator, dont necessarily think that they are all jokes.... an internet translator cant translate perfectly, like that "rose" thing.... its not talking about the flowers, rosa is basically spanish for pink. So, it IS a "pink" poogle toy. The translators just translate things funny because many words have many meanings, and of course, you guys all know this..... but anyway, alot of this "funny translation" is the internet translator's fault, not TNT.... theyve properly translated most things on the site, actually. Kudos to them! I think thats way cool....

Mon May 09, 2005 4:43 am

Those kind of Translation Sets are never really that accurate. ;)

Mon May 09, 2005 9:37 am

another fun thing is to translate it into a bunch of languages. . . like spanish to german to french to english.

puck becomes cotton reel, or something.
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