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The Doggy php Easter Egg on Neopets

Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:13 am ... AA001ACF42

Note: The picture has nothing to do with Neopets, it's just a php easter egg. The fact that Neopets uses php simply allows you to view it.

Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:18 am

I see a dog..but why?

Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:24 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:I see a dog..but why?


It is a joke by the PHP team that shows up on April 1 if phpinfo() is called.


phpinfo() shows a php logo and the current configuration, and on April 1, it shows a dog instead of the php logo.

Hope that explains it

Added logo and joke images.

Guess Neo's clock is off ;)
Works for any PHP page.
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