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Simularitys between the Wuzzles and Neopets.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:51 am

Wuzzles was an old 80's cartoon that was around way before neopets.
I vaguely remember watching a few episodes. I think they were cancelled after 13 weeks or something like that. Anyway, there weren't many cartoons of them. I think they went to reruns pretty fast. I just thought of this today when I saw the faerie yurble and thought of the bumblelion.

This is Woolrus

This is Tuskaninny


Well kinda reminded me of the Karren...

Here is another picture of them.

Butter bear (This best picture I could find of this one.

Well not that close, but the colorations are simular



Kinda like a yurble or a moehog or a kyrii with all the hair

Rhinomonkey kind of looks like a myncii but also kind of has a tonu-like face. Does anyone have the pictures of when they were going to redraw the mynci? Because I think one of then actually would have looked like the rhinomonkey.

crocosaurus (He's the villian, because well..crocks/krawks are always evil for some reason.)

Not sure what he looks like...
Last edited by smudgeoffudge on Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:08 am

I remember Butterbear and Bumblelion but I can't remember the program itself, my boyfriend does but I think I maybe just saw those toys or something o_O Very cute =)

A pic of the main ones here:

And if you're sad like me, heh, the theme tune and intro video can be found on this site if you look up Wuzzles under W on the left bar :)

Bumblelion is similar to the faerie yurble but I guess there's only so many places you can go with winged bears, heh. And the acara and Butterbear similarity is mostly colours. Makes sense that I adore all of them though especially Bumblelion and his counterpart faerie yurble <3

Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:12 am

I don't really see the similarity.

Honestly, I could yank any image off the net from some animated TV show and find a similarity to neopets.

But that's just me.


Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:19 am

I was just doing this for fun. Most of them aren't that simular but I like the idea of putting two animals together to get something new, which neopets tries to do sometimes to invent a new pet or pet pet.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:06 am

A little close...


But yeah, I could take nearly any sweet-puff 80's cartoon and find *some* sort of similarity...:P

Ex...Shirt Tales:


The get along gang: (I swear one of them is a Lupe, and if Dottie the dog had her ears sticking straight up and tied together she'd look like an usul...Heh...)


Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:57 am

Wow... nostalgia trip... I remember that cartoon - my sister had a couple of the toys too. I don't think you can read too much into the possible similarities, as everyone's already said taking two existing real-world animals and using them as a basis for an imaginary one is something that happens a lot.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:20 am

oh! wuzzles!

Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:46 am

Woah! :o Those do look more than vaguely similar. In fact, they look nearly identical!

Shows how original Neopets REALLY is... :roll:

Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:55 pm

I remember Wuzzles...i had the yellow bear slippers...gee, I'm old :cry:

Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:59 pm

^ And that is a Wuzzle aswell. :P
Flizzard looks like a Techo.....
^ and that is a Flizzardo

Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:31 pm

Trick wrote:I remember Butterbear and Bumblelion but I can't remember the program itself, my boyfriend does but I think I maybe just saw those toys or something o_O Very cute =)

A pic of the main ones here:

And if you're sad like me, heh, the theme tune and intro video can be found on this site if you look up Wuzzles under W on the left bar :)

Bumblelion is similar to the faerie yurble but I guess there's only so many places you can go with winged bears, heh. And the acara and Butterbear similarity is mostly colours. Makes sense that I adore all of them though especially Bumblelion and his counterpart faerie yurble <3

That little seal guy in the front look a lot like a Screal. ^^;

Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:01 pm

Wow :o Neopets like took them and revamped them..

Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:39 pm

So Neopets took some ideas and tributed them.

The Wuzzles, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Carebears, Lord of the Rings, Magic: The Gathering, the list of tributes in their own special way goes on.

It's not something to just accuse "unoriginality" over. Many artists in the industry tribute a name or a company in some form. Like some Rap artists are doing now with adding big company names to their lyrics.

Nothing unusual. They're just adding neat little touches to the site, personally the Pan Galactic Gargle Slushie's description is a fave of mine :)

Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:41 pm

valerielundberg wrote:Ex...Shirt Tales:


Wow, something with a mole! Neat!

In other news, it is neat seeing references. I actually like it when there's similarities or downright cameos of other stuff on Neopets.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:49 pm

*stares at Montgomery Moose* I haven't seen that since... er I don't really remember watching it, but I must have! How else would I know that moose's name? I'm feeling nostalgic, weirded out and old. :(
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