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Random Contest: The Mysterious Neopets Headquarters

Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:12 am

Info and Rules:
As most of you know, the Neocam is just a fake, showing some random office where people are actually sane and junk like that. (Wait... were we supposed to let that out?) Erm... *cough* Oopsy.

*Ahem* It's not fake. No one ever said it was and we challenge you to prove they did! Ha!

It's just that... if anyone were to ever see the side of the office where the camera is *not* pointing, their brains would explode at the sheer awesomeness of it! Because it's so wacky and zany and full of asparagus and plushie tossing that no one is able to comprehend it. And we don't want to be responsible for any exploded brains, you know?

So, we'd like you artists out there to show everyone what it's like here. You know, a typical day at Neopets Headquarters. We're sure you can imagine what it would be like. You crazy Neopians and your imaginations. Be sure to include some staff members... we do actually work here, ya know? We also have cubicles here! They're pretty nice. There are lots of chairs, too. And pencils! And the occasional poster of Borovan wearing a Tutu, maybe? (We're just trying to give you some ideas here.)

Submit your lovely piece of art using the form below. Those who most accurately depict our offices will win a nifty prize and perhaps a party with Adam and Donna for you and 10 of your closest friends.*

* There is no party. We're just trying to make things exciting by lying through our teeth.

Lawyerbot (who doesn't have anything to do with the Random Contest except make up rules to lord over everyone because he's mean) says:
- All art must be your own work. DUH!
- Read the submission policy below... again.

Don't forget to read our general contest rules and art rules (if applicable) before submitting!

So we would have to make a pic of the headquarters really look like?.... :P GREAT idea, TNT!

Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:03 am

*Cough* Well, most of the submissions we'd do would get us frozen...

*Cuts to programmers biting the heads off Korbats and rubbing the blood on their chests screeching "SLOTH IS MY MASTER!"*

Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:15 am

In other words we gotta draw out a picture of the Neopets Headquarters. Am i right?

Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:40 am

Chakra_ wrote:In other words we gotta draw out a picture of the Neopets Headquarters. Am i right?

Sounds about right. now to think of something they wouldn't take offense from but that's stil creative enough to win...

Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:49 am

I can't draw so I'll just have some ideas here for people to use. You can credit me if you wish.
  • Have TNT whipping their slaves which are dawing new items and neopet colours
  • Have TNT working on Jelly World
  • Have TNT breaking their own rules like Adam selling Donna on eBay or something

Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:18 pm

I've been doing this for years :P
It's a great idea for a contest. I'll definitely try to come up with something, even if I can't really win a party with Adam and Donna.
...which, by the way, would totally ROCK.

Edit: I wonder if I could just do an illustration to my Glitch Before Christmas poem, and submit the poem with the picture...

Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:29 pm

How do you know if you were one of the 200 runners-up from the last contest? Did they send neomails out yet? Anyone from PPT win anything?

My story was good (if I do say so myself), but too long. I figure I probably got disqualified because I posted 300 or so words in the text box and directed them to my pet's page for the rest.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:00 pm

they haven't sent the neomails out yet.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:24 pm

Doug Dohring swimming in a pool of money. But not just any kind of money, his favourite type, in wads!

Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:04 pm

Awesome, Char won the random contest.
I'm gonna try and draw something for this one.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:12 pm

Ooh, one I actually want to enter. Gotta get drawing!

Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:53 pm

:P Yay, edwardsciss0rhands. :o

:x If I hadn't had to edit out HALF MY STORY I could've won. ;-;

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:48 pm

I came first place in the Random Contest :) I'm ginger23456.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:15 pm

This random contest sounds fun. I may try and enter.

Does anyone by chance know of a place on the site that has pictures of the staff's caricatures?

Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:26 pm

Arien_Daystar wrote:This random contest sounds fun. I may try and enter.

Does anyone by chance know of a place on the site that has pictures of the staff's caricatures?

You could try Whack a staff member.
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