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Krawk Day news -- 4/15

Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:45 am

# Ok, it is a little early, but as Krawk Day falls on a weekend this year we decided we would start the celebrations a bit ahead of time.

# Krawks can now be painted Orange, Shadow and Starry at the Rainbow Pool.

# Don't forget that Krawks will be able to claim their Free Training all day today and tomorrow!

# Plumzoomama is the proud winner of this week's Neohome Spotlight award thanks to their splendid home - 276384 Main Street, Neopia Central.

# The 9th installment of our Curse of Maraqua story has just been released. Can Isca and Garin save Jacques from the evil clutches of the Drenched?

# There is a Krawk Day Background featuring a rather wealthy Pirate Krawk.

# Today's Pet Spotlight award has been given to Clamica the Krawk.

# Start your Krawk Day celebrations in style with some of these delicious new Foods.

# There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Sir Edmund Ogletree from Food Club. 589 people guessed the correct answer, earning 3,396 NP each.

# We have added two new Krawk themed Buddy Icons featuring a Disco and Electric Krawk.

# Give your shop some Krawk Day charm with this new Blog.

# These rather stunning Ruby Battledome items should make your Krawk not only look great, but help annihilate their opponents :)

# Can you unlock this snazzy new avatar?

# There are four new Krawk Shopkeepers for you to choose from.

# The 186th issue of the Neopian Times is now live. Look out for stories such as Neopets Trading Card Game: Back to Basics and An Interview with Jhudora.

# A new round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin, good luck!

# Guild Update - In the coming week we will be deleting any unused or inactive guilds. That is all guilds with only one member (the creator) that were created over six months ago. If your guild is one of these and you want to keep your guild, make sure you get some new members soon.

# One Krawk looks rather glum about the Krawk Day festivities in the latest Caption Contest.

# There are some Krawk themed Poems for you to look at in the gallery.

# We fixed a bug with Grand Theft Ummagine. Some people were having problems when they tried to send score.

# Make your Neopet smarter with some of these new Krawky Books.

# A new Random Contest has begun. Thanks to everyone who entered last week's and good luck with this one.

# There are pages and pages of Krawk themed pictures for you to admire in the Art Gallery.

... and once again, no editorial in the new NT :(

Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:35 pm

now that the 9th plot is out people are gonan think the war is monday which could be true

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:58 pm


Awww, that's pretty kwoot. :) I hope the war is soon, it sounds interesting. *stares at weak pets* Too bad I won't get too far in it though.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:58 pm

Same. I won't get far at all! Unless the Lab Ray is nice to me for once...
That should be a pet colour! Tchea colour! :P

Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:30 pm

pattypus wrote:Same. I won't get far at all! Unless the Lab Ray is nice to me for once...
That should be a pet colour! Tchea colour! :P

Yeah, but it'd be Lab only -- you want a Tchea Krawk? Just risk your Krawk in the Ray!
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