For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:24 pm wait until the lab changes my pet back to a bori or to just buy a bori morphing potion??? How much are they anyways???
Thanks in advance!!!
Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:45 pm
If you wait, you could be waiting a very long time.
Consider how many differne tthings the lab could give you. Out of all those options, only one will change your species. From that change, there are 49 species it could change you.
You could never be a bori again.
Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:23 pm
It could take a long time and it could cost a lot.
So, it depends on which one is more important to you: time or money.
Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:01 pm
I've got the same problem. I desperately want a Robot Bori but the lab keeps changing the species of every Bori I create.
All Bori Morphing Potions are r99 and at the moment there is only one for sell in all of neopia. The most I have seen at the TP is 4 and none have ever had a price. So I would guess it would cost you at least a million nps. That's too much for me especially since the very next time you use the lab on your pet it could turn it into another species. If you don't plan on using the lab again then it might be worth the price.
I just create a new Bori every time the lab changes species and hope for the Robot. I'm running out of good names though.
Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:21 pm
Hmmm...Well, I did (finally!!!) see a bori morphing potion (Island to be exact) and she wanted 2.5 million. Although that's the color I wanted from the lab, I was like woah!!! I had seen a person willing to lower their price to 1.1 million for an island paint brush and I could just buy that and get a new bori... but, I just began playing Neopets so that is wayyy out of my league at the moment and besides, when I get that much money I want to put it in the bank and let it work for me...
Anyway, like you calvinorion, (if I ever do decide to spend that much on a paint brush) I don't want to go and paint a new bori island and then bam the lab goes and turns my elephante back into a bori and island colored...*sigh* I suppose I'm just gonna keep zapping her (hopefully she'll change back to a guy...) and keep hoping for an island bori...
Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:26 pm
baralai_jerovinian wrote:Anyway, like you calvinorion, (if I ever do decide to spend that much on a paint brush) I don't want to go and paint a new bori island and then bam the lab goes and turns my elephante back into a bori and island colored...*sigh* I suppose I'm just gonna keep zapping her (hopefully she'll change back to a guy...) and keep hoping for an island bori...
If you have the lab map, keep refreshing the lab page until you get the scientist as a challenger. Most times you try to fight him, he changes your pets gender (you don't have to win the fight). Volia! Instant and free gender changes!
Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:29 am
id zap him until his stats are up and crazy cool, and maybe he turns into something cool, whenyour happy with his stats and he is not a bori yet, then buy it
Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:56 am
nacine82 wrote:id zap him until his stats are up and crazy cool, and maybe he turns into something cool, whenyour happy with his stats and he is not a bori yet, then buy it
That's what I've done with all my pets so far. It's much cheaper than continually having to buy morphing potions every few days.
Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:32 pm
I would probably use the lab ray for awhile. And if it doesn't change the pet back to a bori after that, I would just buy the morphing potion.
I would never be able to afford a morphing potion.
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