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codes for some of the games(type in codes)

Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:36 pm

some of you may already know these but theres a few i never seen before so my bad if you know them already

(Volcano Run)
lava Gives you a shield

(Advert Attack)
nopopups All the advertisements on the current screen in Advert Attack will disappear. Only one use per game.

(Ice Cream Machine)
strawberryvanillachocolate 1 free life

(Sutek's Tomb)
scarabaeus 30 second bonus

pyramibread - Gives hint as to what match to make to line up 3 in a row (Unlimited Use)

plzsutekcanihavemoretime - 30 second time bonus

buuuurrrrrrrrp decreases your bloat by 50%

dieter Multiplies your score in Snowmuncher by 100 but it does not stay like that.

(Meepit Juice Break)
hungrymeepits Extra life
juice-o-matic Resets ALL meepit's timers

(Ultimate Bullseye)
catapult Gives you a random bonus item in Ultimate Bullseye(once per game i believe but kool)

a5paragu5 Bigger Mallet

(Carnival of Terror)
custard - More time

(Dubloon Disaster)
Scallywags Creates a whirlpool in dubloon disaster!

(Gourmet Food Bowls)
sheperd x2 score

(Meerca Chase II)
superextrahypergravitymode Type during the Meerca Chase II title screen to unlock the secret gravity level.

frumball Extra life

(Korbat's Lab)
spiderbite Extra Life

(Kreludan Mining Corp)
kreludor Extra life

(Warf Rescue Team)
trappedkadoaties Extra life in Warf Rescue Team

(Faerie Bubbles)
slumberberry -Gets rid of blocks in Faerie Bubbles

FaerieBubbles -Make all bubbles turn into one type.

stardust -Turns current bubble in to a Nova Bubble in Faerie Bubbles

faerieland -Turns current bubble in to a Rainbow bubble in Faerie Bubbles

Oscillabot Gives you an extra attempt at petpetsitter.

(Attack of the Slorgs)
marrow Gives you an extra life in Attack of the Slorgs

(Moon Rock Rampage)
rampage - Extra life in(works only once per game)

novisitors - Extra 30 seconds on the timer(works only once per game)

superlaser -Double laser range in Moon Rock Rampage(once per game, resets at end of level)

(Destruct-O-Match II)
boohooiwanttheoldgameback In Destruct-O-Match II lets you play the original version (type on the mode select screen)

destroyboulders - Will remove all blocks of one colour from the screen in Destruct-O-Match II. Can only be used once per game.

(jelly blobs of doom)
rainbownegg Creates a 25 points rainbow negg in jelly blobs of doom
fishnegg Eat the fishnegg and get 50 free points (also jelly blobs of doom i guess)


kougra Skips level in frumball

kougra Skips level on Meriball, but resets points.

(gourmet club bowls)
superbowl Skips levels in gourmet club bowls

(Grand Theft Ummagine)
ummaginethief Skip level(but resets your score)

(Hasee Bounce)
doughnutfruit Reset the timer(once per game)

(Castle of Eliv Thade)
rehaxtint One extra letter hint

(Mynci Beach Volleyball
dirigibles - Makes a blimp float across the screen of mynci beach volleyball.

turdle - creates a turdle on your opponents side


laser toggle radar on/off in bouncy supreme(eh?)

is this better? :D,also some may not work so don't blame me if they didn't i got these off a website
Last edited by Black_Panther on Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:55 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:58 pm

Uhm...thanks, but mebbe could you sort those by game?

Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:11 pm

Nice list. I'll be able to use them on all games that I play! :evil:

Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:38 pm

pattypus wrote:Nice list. I'll be able to use them on all games that I play! :evil:

you should of seen it earlier it was all cluttered :roflol:

Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:26 am


laser toggle radar on/off in bouncy supreme(eh?)

Surely this will be for Attack of the Slorgs

Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:33 pm

shepherd - doubles the score in Gourmet Club Bowls

Fri Apr 15, 2005 8:58 pm

Thanks for the info--- nicely put! :)

Re: codes for some of the games(type in codes)

Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:16 pm

Black_Panther wrote:is this better? :D,also some may not work so don't blame me if they didn't i got these off a website

Give credit where credit is due...

Some of those are new to me though :)

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:34 am

from gamefaqs go figure lol
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