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Aged Harris Question...

Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:01 am

I'm 3 days away from getting the avie for having an aged Harris. My question is this: If I unattach him after getting the avie does his age go back down to 0??

Thanks in advance!!!

Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:20 am

Yes, if you unattach any petpet, its age goes down to 0. Also, if it has a petpetpet, it's lost forever.

Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:14 am

Yes, his age will go back down to 0 if you unattach him however if you've already got the "Something has happened" and you've received that avatar then you will be able to keep the avatar even if you unattach the petpet at a later date. If you're asking about unattaching in reference to lending an age Harris, to lend an aged Harris you have to lend the entire pet by putting it in the Pound - it can be very risky!
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