For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:11 pm
# Love him or hate him, the nefarious Captain Scarblade and his ship The Revenge has been causing quite a stir recently so we decided to dedicate a whole day to this villainous pirate.
# Captain Scarblade has been added to our How To Draw pages.
# Ninjaguy1997 should be really chuffed with themselves, they have just won the latest Meridell Castle Spotlight award thanks to their level - Cursed Maze of The ?.
# The Toy Shop has three new Captain Scarblade themed things for your Neopet to play with including an action figure and plushie!
# If you think it is about time that your Neopet started to lose a few pounds, you should check out Groupieguts' Gallery Spotlight award winning shop - Weightless Food Diet!.
# There are some Captain Scarblade loving Shopkeepers to add to your shop.
# Would a true Captain Scarblade fan have anything else on their Desktop? Methinks not...
# Congratulations Terrox the Gallion, you have just won this week's Petpet Spotlight award.
# The Scarblade fans are out in full force in today's Caption Contest. Surely you can think of something witty to say about this...
# Don't let your Neohome be left out, throw in a few pieces of Captain Scarblade themed Furniture!
# There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Smugglers Cove Pirates. 530 people guessed the correct answer, earning 3,774 NP each.
# Avast! Its a Captain Scarblade avatar!
# If you are looking for something different to add to your shop, how about a Captain Scarblade Blog?
# This week's User Lookup of the Week trophy has been given to Leviathane.
# Show everyone how much you love Captain Scarblade with some tacky Scarblade merchandise!
# There is a page of (mostly) Captain Scarblade themed art for you to look at in the Gallery.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:20 pm
I love the caption, the acara looks so sweet - and the dressed up kad is cute
Aside from the avvie there isn't too much that's interesting really...
Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:41 pm
It was a good idea, and all.
But that avatar ...just looks ...well, cheap.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 8:43 pm
Oh, I love the Captain Scarblade items. He is so cute--in a salty dog sort of way!!!! *squeezes virtual life out of plushie*
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:12 pm
Now this is truely scary!
(front page image in case you don't recognize it.)
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:48 pm
Heh, I know the front page image made me raise my eyebrow.
A beanbag chair...with a pirate hat and a scar on it? O___O I'm not sure if I love it or hate it. *hugs it anyway*
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