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Gah! Grand Theft Ummagine is messed up...

Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:16 pm

I got to 500 or so points (1k NPs) and when I clicked 'submit score' it says I didn't get a score so I got no NPs!

:x What on earth happened?!?

Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:06 am

Yeah, same too...I can't send my scores, it says "Score: 0 NP: 0" and I can't get my points! And there's only one people on the high score list when I last checked it...

Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:03 pm

Yup, never gives any points. When I saw only one person ,and with 450 at that, I thought "Wow, I can get the trophy!", but then I went through the whole game, sent score, and saw it give 0 NP. I already sent in a bug report, but the reports for bugs, freezing, and other things, don't seem to work.
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