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Trading Post Rant: Why do people do this

Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:30 pm


There is a Valentines Kadoatie Plushie up at the moment, I absolutely adore this item, its just the cutest thing Ive ever seen...

The seller was asking for 300K

Hmmm... pure np preferred... ~10 in Neopia... 300k pure np.

I offered them 302K and was rejected.

I offered them 325K and was rejected

I offered them 300K plus a speckled PB and was STILL rejected.

grrrr why do they say they want 300K if they dont.. :x

and its not as if they accepted a higher offer as the item is still there..

Im so peeved.... I really want this item....

If I could neomail I certainly would.. ( our acc is under 13) as I really want this but obviously this seller wont put what they really want to sell it for on there.....

sorry I just had to vent....



Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:44 pm

Wow, usually people accept if you give them the auto bid you want. This person probably thinks someone will give them more, they are wasting time. I reccommend neomailing them two times and asking them why they will not accept your offer. If they don't respond it is there fault, they are losing a customer (you could call it that), the person should sell it for 300k but oh well.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:46 pm

jabond102 wrote:Wow, usually people accept if you give them the auto bid you want. This person probably thinks someone will give them more, they are wasting time. I reccommend neomailing them two times and asking them why they will not accept your offer. If they don't respond it is there fault, they are losing a customer (you could call it that), the person should sell it for 300k but oh well.

Ahem, they CAN'T neomail. Under 13 account...

Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:47 pm

They maybe have a buyer already and are reserving it but haven't bothered to change the description to say so :/

Or they're just being daft. Maybe you could get a neofriend to neomail them to find out why? I hope you get one one way or another though =)

Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:52 pm

I offered the 300k plus the PB again and they accepted it..

I couldnt neomail them, our account is under 13 and we dont have the ability to do that.

but yes its very annoying when I offer what they ask for and even when I offer MORE than they ask for, they still dont accept.

least I have the item I wanted now, eventhough I paid over 400k for it...

*hugs new kadoatie plushie*


ahh, Mods, you can lock this now... thanks :D

Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:53 pm

When I saw the subject of this thread, I thought it was going to be about one of my biggest pet peeves about the TP - the word, "Free" being constantly misused.
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