For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:48 pm ... test.phtml
Info and Rules:
Well, we all know there are tons of books in Neopia for your pet to read. Some are funny. Some are sad. Some are just plain looney. But we really don't know since our Neopets seem to be the only ones who can actually read them. Then they gloat and that's not cool.
So, what we'd like you to do is to choose a Neopian book and tell us what's inside! If your Neopet has read it, they can probably help you. Or... you could just make it up. We don't think anyone would know the difference.
Put the name of the book you chose as the title in the form below. Then write your story in the box! Don't make it a novel. We'll have lots of stories to judge, you know. But don't make it 3 sentences long. That's not interesting and we'll die of boredom. Make it just right. We don't know what that is really so hopefully you'll figure it out.
EDIT: Ends Wednesday March 6th.
Seems to be a 500 word limit now
Congrats to the Negg winners!
Last edited by
stampsyne on Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:29 pm
Yay! Another contest I can enter in!
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:35 pm
I dont quite understand what you are meant to do...a book report?
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:42 pm
vtothec wrote:I dont quite understand what you are meant to do...a book report?
No... make a short story about a book on neopets since the books in neopia have no... pages.... or words... you have to make it up based on the cover...
And btw, this gets my vote anyday
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:43 pm
Hm. I wish they'd give an idea as to how many words more or less that they want. I'm guessing about as long as a NT short story?
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:47 pm
I was lucky to have a story already written. Over 1000 words for TNT, but submitted it here instead. It was accepted jsut fine.
Meepits are Evil
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:48 pm
I did a really good one, I don't want to say it though, may get stolen. I will tell you when the entering deadline is over
Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:52 pm
Hey, anyone got some books they recommend or suggest or possibly even request done? No need to give ideas, just the title of the book and the description.
Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:32 pm
Oooh, I could probably do this one. I'll start working on it right after I finish my Pink Ink article - that definately is definately more important. I'll have to look at the titles of some of the books and see what I can come up with...
Hm. This is now four stories I need to do. Interesting.
Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:07 am
YES! WOOOHOOOO! Even though I already have the avvy, I'm gonna soooo enter this one. I love to write, and I even wrote an article for my county paper once. TNT better watch out for mine...mwahahahahaha
All hail Rune!
Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:29 am
Incase Anyone needs some books, I randomly pulled a few out of
Inside the Mind of Bob
Uni Myths
Flotsam Wok Recipes
Extinct Neopian Languages
(This One Would Be Cool)
Beating Sloth
Secret Faerie Diary
Forgotten Tome
King Hagans Biography
Brightvale History
Kreludan Fashion
Just some ones that sounded cool, or easy to do.
Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:13 am
This sounds pretty interesting. I might enter. I'm considering doing a story for the "Hannah and the Pirate Caves" book, or maybe one of those Acara books ("Acara Facts", "Terrific Acaras", etc.)
Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:14 am
Haha... I guess i wil enter this time around. Thanks for the books.
Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:14 am
I like the books a lot so I think I will try this one out. I think I will write a story for a more rare book though. Maybe neo will do what powerpets did
. Then we can read the books. I hope this isn't an april fool!
Sat Apr 02, 2005 1:19 am
I may actually try this one. When do they stop accepting submissions?
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