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April Fools Day Gnus Split #1!

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:36 pm

Continue your lovely conversation about April fools on Neopets here.
Old thread.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:38 pm

Well, I saved all the pets.

This is by far the best april fools thing they've ever done.

Although I preferred PPT's one last year, that was jut too funny.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:40 pm

Reposting this for people to comment on:

The difference in art quality makes me cringe:


Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:41 pm

They should have changed loads of things, like swap around what restocks where, and what gamne buttons open what link eg have the Magic Shop items restock inOsiris pottery Shop, or have Whack a Kass open up when you click on Bumber Cars, etc. That would have been very funny. I do hope that they implement (hehe, long word) some of these pets in though. Some of them are really good :D

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:42 pm

Maybe they'll end up turning some of these into petpets

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:43 pm

Weewoo wrote:Well, I saved all the pets.

This is by far the best april fools thing they've ever done.

Although I preferred PPT's one last year, that was jut too funny.

Yeah, I saved the pets too incase TNT removes them from the image server.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:45 pm

I think that the new pets are parodies of people--maybe TNT staff or big name players. If you look at them closely, they look humanesque--and clearly either female or male in nature. And, some of the names are clearly versions of the names of humans: Leofinn, Carmariller (Carmen?), Codyber. And perhaps Fethrin is a combo of Featheralley and Jasmine and Mondrobi is a take on Hrobi? Just a thought.

Weewoo, I saved them too. Took forever, but will be fun to look back on next year.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:09 pm

Really is painfully obvious that the pets we have now seriuosly need a makeover.
I wouldnt be sad at all if some of those replaced some of the ones we're stuck with.

What would everyone vote for if you HAD to pick ONLY ONE to stay?

I'd have to go with

It's just so cute and very neat looking.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:16 pm

gahhhhhhhhhh........ Please let us vote on these! Please!
Im would suffer a heart attack if tomorrow they announce that we can vote on three to become real pets. I'm betting that they're getting great comments on these april fools pets right now.

I would KILL for a lot of these fake pets... they do look like rejected designs but most of them look a HECK of a lot better than the ones we have right now!

My favorites:
Image I am completely in love with this one!

Image So cute!

Image Its a Llama!!!!!

Image How can you reject this design?

Image Creative take on the Octopus figure, better than Gelert I might add

Image Baby Dragon!

Image I will abandon all my pets in the pound to get this!

Image Best out of the bunch!

Image I'd replace the Chia with this

ughhh, neopets staff.... why do you have to tease us

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:17 pm

Azure wrote:Image Its a Llama!!!!!

Here's a llama there's a llama and another little llama, fuzzy llama funny llama, llama llama duck.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:17 pm

Blah... most of them are better than the real ones. Can't they just keep a couple of them?

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:17 pm

-Half of them look more like Pokemon than Neopets.

-They read my flippin' MIND:


If I had a choice, I'd adopt, like, six of these.


How would these come in different colors? Oo;

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:17 pm

even the lama one is better drawn then a chia :D

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:28 pm

They should have a vote and let us keep a few of them. XP
And maybe give us a fifth pet spot? *shot* Sorry, sorry! ^^';

I mean, lookat them:

I'd most definately get those two. XP Even morph one of my existing pets. ._.

...You know they did this because we were complaining about them making so many new pets, right?

And it's sad most of them look better than the pets we have now. O.o';

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:32 pm

.egap swen eht no gniht siht was tsuj I .GMO


!iiawaK There's so many I like. .ekil I ynam os 'serehT .ediced t'nac I
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