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April Fools Gnus Up!

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:32 am

# We have been promising a new species for a while now and we are proud to unveil not one, but FIFTY new Neopets for you to adopt! To have a look at them all check the All Pets page. They will be available for adoption shortly!

You may also see some Polaflints, Gwallas and Adallers popping up in the new Maraquan comic which will go live very soon :)

# A new shop has opened up in Maraqua selling all kinds of wierd and wonderful Battledome equipment. If you are looking for something special, why not pop by Maractite Marvels?

# As it falls on a Sunday this year, the Shoyru Day celebrations will be featured on the site on the 3rd. Shoyrus will be able to claim free training at the Swashbuckling Academy all day Sunday and Monday!

# Cizorx the Korbat should be rather pleased with themselves, they have just won this week's last Pet Spotlight award.

# This week's Caption Contest features some of the new species...

# You can now download a cool new Grand Theft Ummagine MP3 from our Music page.

# Snorkles, Triffins, Babycas and Snicklebeasts can now be painted Sketch at the Petpet Puddle.

# garden_bug9 has earned themselves a shiny Neohome Spotlight trophy for their lovely home - 448233 Wishing Well Drive, Neopia Central

# Arrr there be a Pirate Bori!

# Raindorf fans will be pleased to hear there is a new Desktop Background featuring their favourite Petpet.

# There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Heavy Rain Weather Image. 364 people guessed the correct answer, earning themselves 5,495 NP each.

# There are three new Hasee themed Books for your Neopet to read.

# A new round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:34 am

Well ...aren't those "pets" spiffy. :roll:

I like that one, looks like something crossbred with something else.
Wait, they ALL do. :lol:

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:36 am

Xerophyte wrote:Well ...aren't those "pets" spiffy. :roll:

I like that one, looks like something crossbred with something else.
Wait, they ALL do. :lol:

Its an Armadillo
*Starts singing Peter Kay "Is this the way to Armadillo"* :roflol:

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:38 am


This looks like a bear with wings o.o

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:41 am seems to me that these "new pets" are a parody of some of the ones found on rival pet sites. The style of the drawings and the names just makes me think of them.
I actually like a few of them, like the Polaflint and Euvet :lol:

I remember seeing this somewhere before. I keep thinking that it was an old design for the Zafara or something like that...

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:41 am


I WANT it! :o Armadillo+ a shrew/rodent.

Least TNT did actaully work on the fake neopets. =D

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:42 am


It's a giant Woo Woo Grub.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:43 am


OMG! Some of the pets are sooooooooo cool! I wish I could adopt a few! <3

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:43 am

What's with all the new pets?!


OMG, maybe this is the April Fools Joke.
I mean, 50 new pets!!!
That seems like something TNT would do, because none of us were expecting it.
Tomorrow, they'll come on and say "April Fools! Those pets aren't real... haha you all fell for it"


Gah, I'm so confused. I hate April Fools Day on Neo, you can't tell whether some cool new thing is for real or not :x

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:43 am

tigerlily wrote:


It's a giant Woo Woo Grub.

*runs around with a ...giant newspaper after it*

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:48 am

maybe? :roll:


That's my favorite. Don't take it awaaay from meee :_:

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:49 am

What happened to part 6 of the story?

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:50 am


Those pets are pretty cool.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:50 am

They're also saying Shoyru day is the 3rd, but it's the 2nd, check the calendar.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:51 am

Um... actually... those are really cool.

I want the Llama one.
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