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Art Gallery

Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:13 am

If your art does get into the gallery, how many days after it's submitted does it show up? In other words... How long does it take to see your art?
I've always wondered about this... ;)

Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:56 am

It depends on what category you submitted it. If you submitted it for a special day then you won't know until after that day. If you're suddenly 10k richer than there's a good chance your image made it.

I resubmitted my Valentines entry right after the 14th and I didn't find anything out until a week or so later when I found myself 10k richer and another number added to my trophy. They had picked it along with a hodgepodge of other images on a Thursday.

Some people I've heard have had a picture placed in the gallery up to a month after submitting it.

Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:25 am

Thank you! So, I guess, for me, I'll just have to wait. I didn't submit it for a special day... Oh well. Thanks again! :D
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