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Cork Gun Gallery

Fri Apr 01, 2005 12:09 am

it hasn't loaded for me yet anyone get it to load? curious on how the game works sounds like fun, post your thoughts...

Fri Apr 01, 2005 2:19 am

Just be patient and let it load. I have DSL so I don't know how long it would take for you. I waited like 20 seconds for the black screen to have something show up. When it did, there wasn't any text but I clicked on that bar type thing (you'll see when the your pointer turns into a hand)

Click on it and then you can play. I didn't have any luck in knocking anything off though. Its an odd game. I'm going to wait till I hear/learn about the game more and see what others have to say about it till I put any more NP into the game.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:29 am

I dont think it works in Mozilla either... O-O

Erg, its like the biggest game in neopets.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:49 am

spent 2k and won nothing :oops: would still be playing but it wouldn't allow me to play any more :( it is an odd game --I'm already addicted

Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:57 am

mine stuck with a black screen and says connecting to whatever that is

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:26 am

I think I'll agree that it doesn't work on FireFox. I tried in internet explorer and had to ok a security box before it loaded (took a few seconds on my T1 line to get that box to appear as well). Spent the same amount of time on Firefox (admittedly not long) and got nothing. Probably something with the better security settings on Firefox....I'll have to look into that later (like when it's not almost 1 am :)).

Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:32 am

I get a message come up:

Security is attempting to read from This is a potentially insecure operation. Do you want to allow it?

Perhaps some people's security settings are automatically blocking the operation?

This game is (like all the other Spooky Fairground games) rigged, I haven't won anything. Ah well, its still amusing if you have a few 100nps to waste somewhere!

I am the one and only (m'lady) Medusa, Princess of the Snakes.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:36 am

Medusa wrote:I get a message come up:

Security is attempting to read from This is a potentially insecure operation. Do you want to allow it?

Perhaps some people's security settings are automatically blocking the operation?

This game is (like all the other Spooky Fairground games) rigged, I haven't won anything. Ah well, its still amusing if you have a few 100nps to waste somewhere!

I am the one and only (m'lady) Medusa, Princess of the Snakes.

you using IE?

Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:23 pm

mistressofdarkarts wrote:spent 2k and won nothing :oops: would still be playing but it wouldn't allow me to play any more :( it is an odd game --I'm already addicted

same here. i hate these rigged games but it makes me want to play them even more. I suppose i want to beat the system :evil:

the game took a good minute or 2 to load on my broadband connection so you just have to be patient and it will probably load. i got the security warning too

Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:34 pm

When I had 0 np on me I could still shoot for some reason. Didn't win anything, sorry you guys wasted so much np.

Sun Apr 03, 2005 4:05 am

i went to the WOE and it used that dev.neopets thing and it ran fine but with cork gun it doesn't connect,is this game flash or shockwave?

Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:39 pm

It loads for me in both firefox and IE, after a while. However, it appears completely irresponsive to whether or not your cork actually hits anything. It gives the same sound as if you hit the wall, and says you missed. I've hit at least 20 things, and that's invariably what happens.

Together with the long load time and the fact I have yet to hear of anyone winning anything from it, I'd say it's glitched.

Most fairground games aren't in fact inprofitable if you play them long enough, they're just set so that you almost never significantly win but have very worthwhile prizes when you do.

Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:29 am

mistressofdarkarts wrote:spent 2k and won nothing :oops: would still be playing but it wouldn't allow me to play any more :( it is an odd game --I'm already addicted

Ditto on the spending money for nothing... has anyone actually won something yet? And is it random, or do you wait for the handlebars to be alligned, or for a certain time in the day/of the hour?

I hate games like this and Baguetelle and Test your Strength... they keep me trying to figure them out!

Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:35 pm

That game doesn't work for me either. I have Netscape and a cable modem and it absolutely never loads. It always has the connecting to dev.neopets thing.

Sun Apr 10, 2005 4:05 am

I just was able to play for the first time, and I am getting mad at the game... I blew about 2000 np on it... grr.
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