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Tips for coconut shy

Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:39 pm

Hey! I just won 10000 np on coconut shy!
I don't know if it works all the time, but to get 300 np, hit the right mouse button, click settings, then click close. When you see your arrow again, point it to the lowest part of the coconut, might have to adjust it if it throws too far to the left just a bit. Click and hold the left mouse button either until it throws by itself, or release once the arm is pulled back.

For the 10000 np, i just clicked a bit lower, like just at the seam of the coconut and the stand, held left mouse button, and then let it go.

Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:28 pm

... You can pull the arm back? No wonder I never knocked it off!
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