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Please come in n help me if u know about making userloolups

Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:30 am

i've seen a userlookup that has hid MOST of the stuff, like name, gender, number of avatars etc. i heard that it's against to the rule, is it true? if so, what is the least thing that i need to show? can u guys also give me some of the people's lookup that is the one i'm talking about? or give me the code of making it?
thanks alot :battar:

Tue Mar 29, 2005 6:57 am

All of your user stats MUST show on your lookup, same goes for your pet description (pet lookup). It even says so on the User Preference Page by the About Me box where you put your lookup information.

So, first I don't know css to cover/hide that info and even if I did, I would never give it out. I couldn't deal with being even remotely involved with something that could get someone's lookup cleared and/or frozen.
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