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Need Some Advices

Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:43 pm

Hello everybody,

I'm new in this forum, and also a new player in neopets. I really need some advice.

I haven't win anything, almost never post on neopets messageboard (I remember posting once or twice on games board), never neomailed anyone, and dont belong to any guild. So, I have no idea how anybody can find my username and contact me.

Recently, someone I dont know (and never heard of before) neomailed me like this :

NeoMailĀ® Web Messaging

- Inbox -

From: ---- excluded for privacy ---------
Sent: 26/3/2005 10:10pm
Subject: Listen to me!
Folder: Inbox

[Report Message] You are hacking my neopets account! I don't know you and i don't know what the hell's going on either. Just please do anything necessarry to slove this. i don't wanna give troubles to anyone but I'm P***ED OFF. Thanks

reply delete make neofriend

It makes me worry, because I did not do the hacking nor ever have any intentions to do so. I neomailed her and trying as polite as possible, stated that I didnt do it, and also ask for some explanation why she accused me. I'm still waiting for her answer, though. I havent reported her to neopets, because I hope to resolve this matter in a good way, and I really want to know why she accused me like that.

What should I do ? Did I do the right thing (neomailed her asking for explanation) ? Is situation like this (accused for hacking, etc) ever happens to anybody? I desperately need some advices.....

Thank you everybody in advance. :)

Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:52 pm

Do you have nice pets or a nice gallery? I'd keep the mail and block them but keep the mail in case you ever need evidence probably want to blackmail you into giving them something

Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:05 am

I only have plain unpainted pets .. (but I really love their names <3 )
No galleries, only a small shop I often forget to restock.... No trophy (working hard to get one, though).

I still keep the neomail, I printscreen it too.
If the person really wants to blackmail me, I will report her.
But waiting for her respond is really torturing.. :cry:
I feel like I can be frozen anytime for things I did not do. (And I read that a lot of innocent people got frozen with very little chance of getting the account back..)

It really makes me afraid..

Mon Mar 28, 2005 12:23 am

This person probably just is wacko, and wants to get you in trouble for no apparent reason... I wouldn't worry about it too much, if I was you. There's nothing that they can do that should be too bad. The worst thing they could do is report you, and if you get frozen, you can explain to TNT that you did nothing wrong. :)
And, I think you did the right thing; reply to them. This happened to me, and I replied, but when they gave a response they were really really mad... So be prepared for a mean neomail.
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