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Mystery Pic #390

Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:57 pm

Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Mystery Pic game (Round 389). We have given you a Cymbal Bashing Mycni Toy and 2345 NP!

The answer was the petpet Charnie

I can't believe that I actually got this one, AND got an Item! I also got my first MP trophy! :D And I'm finally the first one to make one of these topics! I am so happy! I get a stickied topic! YAY! :D :D :D

Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:06 pm

Congrats! :) I love the neopoint payout: 2345 np. lol Yes, I am amused by little things. :P

Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:11 pm

:lol: I didn't even notice that.

Oh, by the way, the hint I gave was:

My poor pet. All he hears is "WAAAAAAAAAHH!!! I WANNA PLAY!!!!!!!!"

The first sentence was to hint that it was a petpet. The second was a hint to the desc: "This voracious Petpet makes a horrible wailing noise whenever it wants you to play with it."

I hope my hint helped you.

By the way, after I figured out what it was, the neoboards blabbed it, but everyone was spelling it "Charney!" I wonder how many people are hitting their heads against the wall for that! :D

I'm sorry, I'm just so happy because I am really really bad at the MP's, and this time, I actually found it on my own, and I got it early! This will probably never happen again, so I am doing my best to enjoy it! :)

Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:18 pm

I wish I'd had gotten that item. I really like that monkey, but alas I only got the points....

Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:36 pm

I got the nps and item :) like I mentioned previously,some dumbo posted it on the board :roll: but I think many didn't win because of the spelling mistake :lol:

Fri Mar 25, 2005 6:39 pm

Yay!!! I finally got the item!! 8)

Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:57 pm

LupetyLupe wrote:Oh, by the way, the hint I gave was:

My poor pet. All he hears is "WAAAAAAAAAHH!!! I WANNA PLAY!!!!!!!!"


I hope my hint helped you.

Your hint helped me out immensely. I figured it must be a petpet after reading it.

Unfortunately (and the result of my BAH! on the last thread), I went to the petpet puddle to look for it. I searched *every* petpet on there, and could not find it. I figured I must have not deciphered the hint correctly.

Ends up, a petpet Charnie can't be painted ... and TNT doesn't list petpets that only have 1 color at the petpet pool.

The only way I found it was going to, signing up for an account there, and looking at the petpets over there.

It was sad for me. :( I did get the lovely NPs, though. :)

Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:59 pm

I didn't get it. :( I was looking at the Charnie, but I never thought of trying to match it up. Oh well, there's always next time(or THIS time :P)

Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:06 am

i was looking at the charnie too - i was pondering *buying* a charnie, all because of you! - but kept being convinced that the way neopets cheated was by it being something to do with florg, which made sense in my head because florg's tongue on the tcg is a different color than it is anywhere else, which is vaguely the colors the mp was.


Sun Mar 27, 2005 1:56 am

hmm this one reminds me of a mutant pet

Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:16 am


The image BTW

Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:35 am

Here is the resize too:



Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:47 am

kinda made me think of that giant slugaroo in ruined maraqua...but don't think it's a match...close in color though

Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:50 am

It reminds me of a closed eyelid, that or a wave in some slime.

Maybe something in the haunted woods in neoquest2? (Just saying that because it is one of the last places I would think to look normally.)

Sun Mar 27, 2005 3:10 am

the first thing that came in mind to me was the battle magic shop but it doesn't match
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