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Auction help - Owner frozen, no item/pure received

Fri Mar 25, 2005 3:43 pm

I bid 4mil on h4000 helmet, but the owner got frozen before the auction ended, thats been an hour now, I still havent received anything :( who can i contact?

Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:03 pm

Man that's terrible. :(

Likely you need to report using the auctions form since that's the part of the site where it occured. If there is no responce from them in a couple weeks, use the general support form.

Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:33 pm

oh jeeze.... thats a wierd situation.... ive never heard of that happening before... that stinks! The only thing you really CAN do is wait for a little while to make sure you didnt get it, and if you dont, report it using bug/freezing/auction forms...

Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:38 pm

didnt get it, probably i wont get a responce from tnt, i already sent two forms about it, hopefully they can return my nps

Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:30 pm

Ouch D= I've never heard of something like that happening before. Yeah, like people have said, I think its just best to file a report and wait for a reply. Also, did you have any screenies of the situation? If so, you could probably include them with the bug report, I would think, correct?

Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:41 pm

They're just going to give you the form letter that says there is nothing they can do. Which is bull, because they do rectify stuff like that for some people (not all of them famous, don't get hung up on that). It hangs on which staff member you're dealing with.

When they changed the Number Six Plushie to the stupid coconut, I had one in trades. Removing it from the trades caused it to disappear. To this day they won't do a thing. I gave up, but I'm still upset over it, I can't rs and make millions, I just do what I can to get buy and hope most of it doesn't go *poof*.

But that's part of the territory of computers...funky things happen. Things go weird. Programs have bugs. There are millions of players, and no way to give personal attention to each and every one (especially when there are so many weirdos that send in all kinds of weird stuff on the forms that ties up staff from helping people who really need help).

Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:33 pm

why exactly was the seller frozen? was the h4k duped, scammed or what? That's the only reasons I can think of someone being frozen if in fact it was the auction they were frozen for.

If it was duped, the auction should have been ended and you should, in a fair world, get your np back. If the h4k was from a scammed or stolen account, well that can get dicey. Too many people have been frozen for buying (shop, tp, auction) or even being given a stolen item.

Why? They changed the T&C - it now says:

5. If you cheat on Neopets games or use cheat programs, including non-Neopets software or programs, to play the games we will freeze your account. In addition, NeoPets may freeze any other account that has directly or indirectly benefited from the use of such programs.

I bolded that last sentence, as this was not always there.

I hope for the best for you, that you at least get your np back.

Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:00 am

This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:

This account was attempting to give away, sell or trade a Neopets account or pet for Neopoints or items.

i think he was trying to sell his neopoints, he said he was quitting!

and no, unfortunately, I did not take any screenshots, I didn't know this qould happen :(

Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:01 pm

You should get your np back, I'm sure. How could you possibly know that that person would get frozen? So long as a staff will look into your case, I'm sure they will find it in your favour. 4 mil is not a sum to sneeze at.

Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:19 pm

Qanda wrote:You should get your np back, I'm sure. How could you possibly know that that person would get frozen? So long as a staff will look into your case, I'm sure they will find it in your favour. 4 mil is not a sum to sneeze at.

I sure hope so, still no response though, and I talked to a friend of mien who said he got his nps back, his case was similiar to mine, but with different items
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