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Cool Things for Shops and Lookups

Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:45 pm

I wanted to *spruce* up my shop. I wanted to know the best backgrounds, fake items, anything cool for shops.

The coolest thing I like is this....

</i><center><a href=""><img
src="" border="0"></a><br><b>Neopian Idol<br> Paint Brush</b><br>1 in stock<br>Cost: 100,000 NP</center>

Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:49 pm

Some things I hate:

-Animated Backgrounds
-Hundreds of fake items
-Tons of graphics

If I find any of those in a shop, I don't buy. :P

Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:11 pm

o_0 wrote:Some things I hate:

-Animated Backgrounds
-Hundreds of fake items
-Tons of graphics

If I find any of those in a shop, I don't buy. :P

Right now I have nothing except plain text.

Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:40 pm

TNT is cracking down of fake REs. It's kind of sad.

Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:41 pm

stampsyne wrote:TNT is cracking down of fake REs. It's kind of sad.

What's going to happen then?Warning or getting iced?

Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:02 pm

bijonfifi wrote:
stampsyne wrote:TNT is cracking down of fake REs. It's kind of sad.

What's going to happen then?Warning or getting iced?

I'm guessing that it depends on how serious the offence is. Some of those REs are linked to scams, possibly even cookie grabbers. Those people probably deserve to be frozen.

If it is just a funny graphic that looks cute but really goes no where, they may not even pay attention to it.

The worst was today I went into a shop and they had a fake faerie quest that looked real. I seriously thought that the air faerie wanted me to get something for her. I thought to check it though because of it's position on the page. I seriously wouldn't doubt if that has made many people go looking for this item because except for the positioning, it looked legit.
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