I am 0peth.
I did not misspell a name, I intended to send the mail to you, although looking at it now I could've perhaps worded it differently but I was ticked off (not to mention silmultaneously replying to some of the other hundreds of mails I'd gotten that day), after recieving 2 mails from two seperate people telling me you were parading around as me and trying to sell my account. Neither of these people were your typical chat speaking newbie, they were both intelligent sounding people who had no reason to lie.
The first mail I recieved I actually didn't act on because I didn't know the person and he had no proof, so I let it go.
But when I then received a second from a different user, it set alarm bells ringing. I mailed him back after mailing you to say that you'd said you hadn't been doing that, and he merely said that he hadn't intended to cause friction, he just thought I should know incase my account was in danger. He has supposedly reported you though obviously that could be talk.
Since winning the pet spotlight, I've had literally hundreds of mails and to stop my inbox being clogged and full, I go through and delete them all once I replied to them. So his mail is gone and I can't remember his username, though I do remember it had the word darigan in it.
Even if I could remember it, I wouldn't post it because as of now, I don't know who to believe, you or these two people I've never met.
It seems strange that you would go to the trouble to make a thread here on it if you are guilty, but similarly, it seems weird that two completely unrelated people I've never met would mail me about this out of the blue too and both talk of you.
Both only have their words to go on so I will not venture an opinion or loyalty to either side.
Suffice to say, however, that I don't think you should've reported me at ALL. I didn't report you, though at the time I was sorely tempted.
What you should have done, what I would have done, would have been to send a mail back saying 'ok, I don't know where you got your info from but I've never done that and I wouldn't ever either. Who told you this? What are their usernames? Where did they get this info from'.
However, you sent me an agressive mail saying I had to 'get my facts straight' and then BLOCKED me. I know I was angry too, but if you'd responded with a response similar to the above, I'd have gladly given you his username and we could've discussed the issue.
How on earth can either of us find out whats going on if you've blocked communication? Then to come here and discuss me behind my back, well, kinda crap isn't it? I didn't block you, I would've been willing to correspond with you some more. Theres several good friends I have on neopets now who actually started out arguing with me!
But reporting me? No, sorry, that was wrong. You didn't even BOTHER to mail me further to discuss the matter, you just blocked and reported. You speak of how much you love your pets and how much you worked for them, what, you think I didn't? You think I deserve to be frozen for merely trying to protect my account?
But anyway, yes, I think we should've conversed more. I much prefer to discuss problems than gloss over them.
You did not need to block mail, it's not as if I were harrassing you and sending you bulk mails. I sent you ONE mail, which you think was based on a misunderstanding, and I wouldn't have bothered sending you anymore if you'd told me not to, so blocking was really unecessary. My mail may have been firm, but yours was too, though I won't post it here since I respect your privacy........
Basically, to sum up, Im not apologising or anything because I still don't believe you didn't do it, thats not to say I believe you DID either, I really do not know, or care particularly. I just wish people would be prepared to mail back and forth a little more when misunderstandings come up rather than spew bile and block then report, then go and talk about the other person behind their back. Nothing is ever resolved that way. We could've sorted this out via neomail easily but......
Last edited by
SicPuppy on Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.