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Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:00 am

The NT says "The editorial is running a little late, but will be updated shortly. Sorry!" It's been THREE DAYS, and it still hasn't been updated! :x This seems to be happening a lot lately. And it's the only part of it that I actually read . . . Pull it together, TNT :x

Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:01 am

Pah! I'd quite happily run the editorial for free. Considering 99.9% of the questions are easily found on the site anyway...

Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:01 am

Of coarse not. It's the weekend. Weekends don't count as days for TNT!


Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:12 am

As long as they do put it up I have no problem with it being late (I think the problem was they've been releasing Friday news nearly 6 hours before midnight NST)

Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:09 am

Yeah, you shouldn't count on anything to be done over the weekends. See if it's put up early next week and if it's not, complain then. ;)

Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:48 am

I am getting impatient myself but one has to wait for good stuff to appear. Just wait and have fun. ;)

Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:51 am

If you rush them they will just choose to answer those questions like: "Does Adam really smell?", "Where is jelly world?" or "Why can't my pet defeat the snowager?!!!"

Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:58 am

I've noticed that sometimes, if the editorial is held back, it usually means that it won't come around that week. That's why, if Isee a blank page or a 'coming soon' message, I lose hope and just wait for the next week.

Little happy ray of sunshine, aren't I?

Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:30 am

I thought the NT was released on friday. :P

Yeah . . .

Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:32 am

Of course, it's silly of me to think that they will actually answer important questions, such as "Will you make a system that users can reply to if they are falsely reported?" or "Are you ever going to release the Darigan Pteri?" If the editorial ever does show up we'll get something like "What's a Techo?" :roll: Bleh.

Re: Yeah . . .

Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:34 am

Lorcanwolf wrote:Of course, it's silly of me to think that they will actually answer important questions, such as "Will you make a system that users can reply to if they are falsely reported?" or "Are you ever going to release the Darigan Pteri?" If the editorial ever does show up we'll get something like "What's a Techo?" :roll: Bleh.

Or how about "oh may gawd, whi can't eye get anything frum the moni tree or frum the fruit machine or teh tombolina!? am i doing somefing wrong?1!"


Re: Yeah . . .

Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:31 am

Xerophyte wrote:
Lorcanwolf wrote:Of course, it's silly of me to think that they will actually answer important questions, such as "Will you make a system that users can reply to if they are falsely reported?" or "Are you ever going to release the Darigan Pteri?" If the editorial ever does show up we'll get something like "What's a Techo?" :roll: Bleh.

Or how about "oh may gawd, whi can't eye get anything frum the moni tree or frum the fruit machine or teh tombolina!? am i doing somefing wrong?1!"

"Whut movie do you like most, PotC orr LotR?!??"

Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:45 am

This week I asked if they're ever going to actually release the petpetpets aboogala and fire ryte (which were announced but never set live). Knowing them, they'll ignore my question and answer one like "OMG was that Hannah and Kanrick getting married in the Maraqua plot!!!?"

Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:19 pm

Cranberry wrote:This week I asked if they're ever going to actually release the petpetpets aboogala and fire ryte (which were announced but never set live).

I ask that same question every week, been doing it for over a year now.
Glad to know I am not alone. ;)

FYI - the Aboogala has been released. I found one in a user's shop last December 16.

The reason it is still listed as MIA at NeoItems is because they forgot to copy the description when I reported it, so they decided not to add it into the database.

I neomailed the person who owned it back in December and offered 800,000np's for it. I was really broke at the time and sadly that was all I could afford.

3 weeks ago I neomailed them again and offered 8 million np's for it. (I'm rich again.) Anyway they told me they had already sold it to somebody for 10 million np's. As far as I know it is the only one in exsistence.

I have never seen a Fire Ryte and believe me nobody wants one of those more than me. I'd pay 10 million for that easily.

Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:38 pm

My favortie of all the hand picked quetions was the girl in some eroupe place asking "People in other countries get adverts for free things. Why don't I get those adverts? :cry: "(not sure on the exact wording)

I wonder how many hate messages she got the next day :P
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