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Which Items inflate?

Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:57 pm

I heard the war will start and because of that people will want snowballs and stuff will it be a good profit.. when it inflates?

Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:53 pm

balloons :P

usually its sticky snowballs and 6 icon weapons

Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:55 pm

I checked recently on some of the scrolls and noticed a slight increase in price...

Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:59 am

In addition, the scroll of freezing will probably make a good hording item if you wadger the war will need items(donna said it might not). It gives people a freeze but breaks alot, thus people will contasntly be needing them :)

Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:58 am

most weapons take a slight hit in price. THe worst by far is snowballs and leaf shields... without a war, leaf shields are about 4K. With a war, they can be as high as 20K.

Snowballs, 6 icon weapons, cheap weapons (e.g. sparkshooters) and the like take a hit. Mid level weapons usually take a hit as well, though it's not as bad. As you get to higher end weapons, you see less and less of a price difference... higher end battlers already have their sets.

Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:58 pm

I'm not going to hoard this time since i doubt we'll need to. The 50% reflectors rose a lot last war but it's a gamble since you don't know what icons they'll use

Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:42 pm

Hi, i'm wondering that do u guys know how much do Sticky Snowballs go up to, during the war?
thanks 0:)

Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:32 am

possibly up to 1K...that's the highest I've seen...that was when everybody wanted to get the kasuki lu avvie though...

Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:46 am

Syrill wrote:possibly up to 1K...that's the highest I've seen...that was when everybody wanted to get the kasuki lu avvie though...

ic... but i heard that it could goes up to 1.5k during the war, even now it hasen't confirmed if there will be a war or not, it already went up to 900 :(

Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:23 am

-.- Well, post war it was about 800 I think

Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:14 pm

The editorial said once more that time that we MAY not have to fight the war. I may consider not buying or just buying less...
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