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New Member Paint Brushes

Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:54 pm

Continue your discussion on New Member paint brushes here.

Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:39 pm

I got traded a "starter yellow paint brush" for some of my items in trade last night. Figured I'd be able to sell it for a nice profit while they were new ... but then found I couldn't actually put it in my shop or put it up for trade. The only way to get rid of it is by offering it on someone else's trade.

I was a little annoyed, to say the least. If they are going to make something untradeable, then they should *really* make it untradeable and not only "sort of" It's just like those silly desert scratchcards and rings that were floating around forever, before they actually opened up the kiosk to everyone.

Now I'm stuck with what I consider a worthless paintbrush. Since I got a warning for "scamming" recently (which I still have no idea why ... I've asked for a clarification from the TNT, but I've heard nothing back from them), I suppose I will just have to eat the loss on this so I don't get accused of something by trying to trade it away.

Completely unfair. I am so totally against the scammers, it still angers me that I would get a warning *for* scamming. It angers me even more that there is no mechanism to actually see what the "offending" thing was ... otherwise I'll probably do it again because I have no idea what I actually did.

Sorry, this turned into a rant. Just upsets me to end up with a worthless paint brush.

Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:17 am

That sucks. How much did you lose on it, if I could be so bold as to ask?

Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:37 am

Well, they're no longer available to post on other people's trades. A friend just tried to give me one and wasn't able to offer it. It's annoying that they took so long to fix that.

Edit: XenaandGabrielle, you can disregard my PM, by the way. ^^;

Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:40 am

I think that is happening to a lot of people.

Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:45 am

stampsyne wrote:That sucks. How much did you lose on it, if I could be so bold as to ask?

It was a collection of map pieces. I really hate trying to sell those things, since they are so hard to price in your shop. (they *really* need to make each piece individually searchable in the shop wizards ... but that is a different story).

so it was a couple of treasure map pieces and a few spooky map pieces. Probably worth 50-60k ish. The convenience of just having one thing to trade had weighed heavily on my decision as well to accept.

Upon further reflection, though, I see "regular" yellow paint brushes were much cheaper than the "starter yellow paint brushes" were trading for at the time (the shop wizard had them for 90kish). So it was probably a losing prospect, anyway. I had hoped to be able to price it low enough for someone to try and "buy me out" to keep the price high.

The neopoint loss doesn't really hurt me ... it is more the principle of the thing, I guess. I think I will probably just donate it to the money tree ... and make someone happy.

I would just throw it in my SDB, but who knows what TNT will do ... they could get the brilliant idea that all people with the "starter" paint brushes and aren't newbies ... must have cheated somehow to get them and need to be frozen. (Not that I actually think this would happen ... just venting).

Thanks for the concern, though. The "warning" I got just has me a little upset about things. I don't want to lose my account to fake accusations that I am unable to defend myself on.

Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:52 am

Unfortunately, I don't think you can donate them either. O.o'; I believe I tried on one of my accounts.

Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:34 am

XenaAndGabrielle wrote:I would just throw it in my SDB

I actually think that is a good idea; put in your SDB. Maybe they will think the newbie paintbrush is a bad idea and turn it into something valuable!

Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:54 am

stampsyne wrote:
XenaAndGabrielle wrote:I would just throw it in my SDB

I actually think that is a good idea; put in your SDB. Maybe they will think the newbie paintbrush is a bad idea and turn it into something valuable!

Yeah. That i what i always do or something. Just stuff it in the SDB and let it rot. Few years down the road u realise it is worth lots. =]
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