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About the Lab Scientet Changing Gender in the BD

Sun Mar 13, 2005 6:16 pm

Okay, so I'm about to lab my Skeith because I want him to become Island... The only thing I hate about the lab ray is the whole Gender problem, but I hear that if you battle the Lab Scientist in the BD he can change your pets gender.

So my questions are:

1) Is it true?
2) How do you get him as a challenger?
3) How good of a chance is there that he will change the gender?
4) Do you have to win or loose the battle for it to stay?


Sun Mar 13, 2005 6:18 pm

I don't battle the scientist but if you do labbing his gender can change, and a question to ask you. If you beat the scientist you unlcok the ray? I did it the old fashion way by buying it a long time ago.

Sun Mar 13, 2005 6:24 pm

jabond102 wrote:I don't battle the scientist but if you do labbing his gender can change, and a question to ask you. If you beat the scientist you unlcok the ray? I did it the old fashion way by buying it a long time ago.

You have to have the lab unlocked in the first place to get the scientist. ... ger=labray

All the info on the scientist is there. He has a Strange Potion equipped which does permantly change genders (it doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is that you pet gets hit with the Strange Potion.)

Sun Mar 13, 2005 6:25 pm

jabond102 wrote:I don't battle the scientist but if you do labbing his gender can change, and a question to ask you. If you beat the scientist you unlcok the ray? I did it the old fashion way by buying it a long time ago.

Hmm, what I mean is, I'm going to lab my pet at the Lab ray to change his colour. But I heard that if you battle the Mad Scientist there is a chance that in battle he will change your pets gender.

EDIT: Thanks Rune. What are the chances of getting it with it?

Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:07 pm

I changed my Kiko into a girl that way. You get him at the lab ray, and when you fight him all I did was fight until I was about to die, withdraw, heal at the inflateable Balthazar, and then go at it again. It took him a while to use the potion but he did. Then I just let him beat me. And my Kiko is a happy girl once again!

Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:44 pm

robert2100 wrote:I changed my Kiko into a girl that way. You get him at the lab ray, and when you fight him all I did was fight until I was about to die, withdraw, heal at the inflateable Balthazar, and then go at it again. It took him a while to use the potion but he did. Then I just let him beat me. And my Kiko is a happy girl once again!

Thanks! He's taking a long time to challenge me. I'll have to keep at it.


Fri Mar 18, 2005 2:20 pm

At which page should I refresh to get him as a challenger? I have been labbing for over 11 mths and he hasn't challenged me yet. My kiko is an unhappy male. :(

Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:21 pm

I need to change the gender of my elephante as well...

The biggest problem is how much damage will the Lab Scientist do? Does he have 200 strength like he has 200 hp?... If that's the case, he could do 550 damage max :oops:

Using sink (or burrow, whichever) to get rid of the damage from the slingshot and physical damage will still leave about 100 damage in dark... My problem is that I got what I wanted from the lab ray rather quickly, and as a result, my pet has about 30 hp...

Do i need to wait a long while?
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