For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:55 am
* The 181st issue of the Neopian Times has just gone live. Keep your eye out for great articles such as Your Awesome Guide to Castle Battles! and Character Creations: How to Make Your Own Character.
* If you have been having trouble unlocking the Pant Devil for Defenders of Neopia, you will be pleased to know we have made him far easier to get today. Note this is just for the weekend, he will be as hard to get as normal on Monday.
* When you hear of Grackle Bugs you may think of a crunchy snack sold in the Lost Desert, but they can actually make very affectionate Petpets.
* Now you can paint your Jetsam a very dazzling shade of white.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Create a Uni Button. 277 people guessed the correct answer, earning themselves 7,221 NP each.
* The Space Faerie has been added to our How To Draw section.
* Next week we are going to have a Slugawoo themed day, so please send in your Slugawoo themed pictures to the Art Gallery.
* Bori can now be painted Purple at the Rainbow Pool.
* Congraulations Jhomhallen, you have just won this week's last Pet Spotlight award!
* You may recognise today's Caption Contest image. It is the winner of last week's Random Contest!
* If you like poetry, head on over to the Poetry Gallery. A new page of poems has just been added.
* Last, but not least, a new round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:00 pm
Please check if a thread already exists before posting a new one: