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3/11/05 News

Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:48 am

The 181st issue of the Neopian Times has just gone live. Keep your eye out for great articles such as Your Awesome Guide to Castle Battles! and Character Creations: How to Make Your Own Character.

If you have been having trouble unlocking the Pant Devil for Defenders of Neopia, you will be pleased to know we have made him far easier to get today. Note this is just for the weekend, he will be as hard to get as normal on Monday.

When you hear of Grackle Bugs you may think of a crunchy snack sold in the Lost Desert, but they can actually make very affectionate Petpets.

Now you can paint your Jetsam a very dazzling shade of white.

There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Create a Uni Button. 277 people guessed the correct answer, earning themselves 7,221 NP each.

The Space Faerie has been added to our How To Draw section.

Next week we are going to have a Slugawoo themed day, so please send in your Slugawoo themed pictures to the Art Gallery.

Bori can now be painted Purple at the Rainbow Pool.

Congraulations Jhomhallen, you have just won this week's last Pet Spotlight award!

You may recognise today's Caption Contest image. It is the winner of last week's Random Contest!

If you like poetry, head on over to the Poetry Gallery. A new page of poems has just been added.

Last, but not least, a new round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin.

Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:50 am

Gah, the NT hasn't been updated though, at least not the editorial.

Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:52 am

Anyone know what they did to make the pant devil easier to get?

Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:57 am

Ziggy wrote:Gah, the NT hasn't been updated though, at least not the editorial.

It's up, you just need to get through it via the archives. ... &issue=181

They've mentioned updating that old referral system. :D

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:00 am

Are there going to be Maraqua avatars released once Maraqua gets rebuilt? I would love to see some! - 1birdie12803
Oh Yes. There will be backgrounds, blogs, screensavers and buddy icons too!

Oh crap! I hope it isn't owning a Maraquan Pet. >_<

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:04 am

you know on hindsight...I can't believe it has taken so long to come out with the Grackle Bug as a petpet...

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:07 am

In the last editorial you said that you came up with a new system for war that'll mAKe things more fair for the weaker pets. I don't think this is fair though to the people who spend time and np to get their pets up to where they are and then have some person who doesn't even know how to battle get close to as many points as them. - pyrowave13
It is ok. Just wait and see :D The people with the stronger pets will be able to challenge different opponents, and earn more points from that as a result. It just means that if you have a weaker pet there will still be something for you to fight and hopefully plenty of things all all levels of battling to please everyone.

Is it just me or is the editoiral constantly changing their stance on how this "war" is going to play out... for cripes sakes, what's described is how all wars play out without many modifications ><

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:08 am

Normal Grackle BugImage
Maraquan Grackle BugImage
Way to be original TNT :roll:

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:23 am

CrewWolf wrote:Normal Grackle BugImage
Maraquan Grackle BugImage
Way to be original TNT :roll:

Wooo. I didn't even see a change at first. Well, except for the colors but that's an obvious one. They could have at least changed the pose to make the lobster claws a bit more obvious. *scoff*

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:29 am

The only one that comes up in a search on the sidebar is "Maraquan Grackle Bug" at the moment - a mistake I'm guessing. But I'm assuming the rarity will apply for the unpainted one too. I quite like the standard and ghost ones x)

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:38 am

Armi wrote:
Are there going to be Maraqua avatars released once Maraqua gets rebuilt? I would love to see some! - 1birdie12803
Oh Yes. There will be backgrounds, blogs, screensavers and buddy icons too!

Oh crap! I hope it isn't owning a Maraquan Pet. >_<

OooOooO, I have a Marquan Acara if it does require it. :o

Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:39 am

Oh oh! I love the grackle bug. I don't know why, but I do. And the shrimp one is especially nice I think. Sublte, but ingenious.

Re: 3/11/05 News

Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:01 am

Kalathalan wrote:If you have been having trouble unlocking the Pant Devil for Defenders of Neopia, you will be pleased to know we have made him far easier to get today. Note this is just for the weekend, he will be as hard to get as normal on Monday.

Thank God! Does this mean that his random event will appear more often this weekend, or that by visiting a certain page you can automatically get him to steal something from you? Whatever it is, I need to make sure to get him!

Re: 3/11/05 News

Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:53 am

klungar wrote:
Kalathalan wrote:If you have been having trouble unlocking the Pant Devil for Defenders of Neopia, you will be pleased to know we have made him far easier to get today. Note this is just for the weekend, he will be as hard to get as normal on Monday.

Thank God! Does this mean that his random event will appear more often this weekend, or that by visiting a certain page you can automatically get him to steal something from you? Whatever it is, I need to make sure to get him!

Methinks it's still random, only more common.
*goes back to putting stuff in my SDB* -.-

Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:51 pm

This is a bad thing for people (like me) who already have him as a challenger, I will need to make sure to stock/SDB everything I get. I normally did this anyway but now if I forget I could the item a lot easier
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