For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:45 am
I have done over 50 quests and never gotten a Fountain Faerie Quest, is there a special requirement you need to get one?
Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:47 am
I think its just a random faerie quest really rare though
Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:12 am
It's random I believe. I've been on Neopets for five years this month, and I have yet to get a Fountain Faerie quest, while I know some people who have been on Neopets only a year or two and have gotten two or three Fountain Faerie quests. I guess you just need to be lucky.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:20 am
I've been on neo for a good five years or so myself, and I haven't gotten a paint brush RE in the past 2 and I rarely get a Faerie quest let alone a water fountian faeire quest.
I think more stuff needs to be done for older accounts for our loyalty, we seem to not get RE's like everyone should get more the longer you stay or something!!
I think they need a 5 year account avatar or something!
Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:21 am
I've been on Neopets for 4 years. It wasn't until last week that I got my 1st Fountain Faerie Quest. It's just a very rare Random Event. I had to pay 250,000 NPs for the item (a Walking Carpet Dresser), but it's a lot cheaper than paying for a paintbrush!
Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:37 am
I've been on for "25" months and I'm still waiting for one of those quests.
I seem to get all the other faerie quests often, so I guess I must have a good chance of getting one of the fountain faeries quests.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:46 am
I've been on for 54 months and have never received a Fountain Faerie quest, I get plenty of the other Faeries quests too, I've had numerous Space Faerie ones and a couple Faerie Queen ones too. I would very much like a Fountain Faerie quest though, blah!
Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:56 am
Lady Night wrote:I think they need a 5 year account avatar or something!
I made one for the avatar contest, though I didn't actually get it entered in time... its minimum time accrument was 3 years.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 10:42 am
Considering how the Fountain has only been opened with quests for the past year and a bit it doesn't matter how old your account is.
I've gotten one before...
Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:24 am
the_dog_god wrote:Considering how the Fountain has only been opened with quests for the past year and a bit it doesn't matter how old your account is.
I think the main point is that people have had accounts since the quests have been released and still haven't received a quest. An exact specification of anything over 12 months may be unnecessary but its still a point that many over 12 months haven't received a quest and hence fountain quests shouldn't be something newer neopians should expect to be a common occurence - people who've been around since they've been released is just a small degree of "proof" (I use the word because I can't currently think of a better one).
Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:59 pm
I've gotten one recently and I've been on neopets close to 5 years. I'm probably reading too much into this but I noticed whenever I donated a bunch of junk items to the money tree, I would get a faerie quest. But that's just me...
Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:42 pm
I have a question to anyone who's gotten a quest from her before, does she block the shop wizard like regular faeries? And after you give her her item you can wait a while before deciding on a color right? I've heard of people "saving" them before so I'm just curious...
Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:16 am
I got my first fountain faerie quest last month and i've been playing for a couple years...ish totally random...but i love my new plushie scorchio!
Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:27 am
i've never been lucky questwise.. and its a pity they have recently taken off royal and robot, since i would have loved to get a royal aisha!
yes, you can "save" your choice for later, many people do that
but if you are saving one, you cannot i think, get another fountain quest until you do use it
theres no time limit to having to use it as well,
i think yuo can't use the shop wiz while you have a quest, but since i've never had one, i could be wrong
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