For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:03 am
If you go there, you will see that all the kadoaties have been fed! Did this just happen, or am I late?
Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:04 am
They 'restock' every 30-45 minutes.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:10 am
Apparently TNT cleared it out.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:31 am
Wasn't like that a couple days ago. So I guess TNT did have a limit to how many ask for Blue Draik eggs. The eggs don't even stock as much as the Kado ask for it.
Nice seing it full of happy Kados.
Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:15 am
wow, maybe I can actually feed one now...I haven’t’ been able for feed even ONE since it came out!
Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:56 am
Lady Night wrote:wow, maybe I can actually feed one now...I haven’t’ been able for feed even ONE since it came out!
Me neither ...then again I gave up long ago.
My computer and mouse just aren't good enough.
I believe they should make the Kadoatery something like the Employment agency know, you just have to pick out a Kad, click on it and hopefully feed it before the time limit runs out, and if you don't feed it during that time it goes back for someone else to click on and feed.
Would make things fair for everyone ...
Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:01 am
I fed 25 when it first came out. I found it was easiest (for me, anyway) to figure out which foods they ask for a lot, fill your inventory with those foods, and quickly click on whichever kad asks for them.
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