For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:48 am
I ordered the neopets magazine about 4-5 weeks ago, and I was wondering a few things, and was hoping somone here could help with the answeres;
When will my first issue arive-will they send me the current one, or will I have to wait for the next one? (ouch)
When should I expect the special suff they were advertising-the white dogelfox plush and all- to arive?
Thanks alot!
EDIT: I finally got the promo's, but no magizine yet. >_>
Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:55 am
I say you should be getting a copy any time now...and if I'm not mistaken you should get it all together in one package. I would think they would go ahead and send you the copy they have currently out as well.
Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:40 am
I think you should have gotten the current issue if you ordered over a month ago. And I believe you should get your premiums with your first magazine.
Of course, I had to call Beckett repeatedly after emails did nothing - I'd never received the first issue, though I subscribed the very day the link was put up. And I never did get my extras (white aisha plushie and stickers). They did finally send me the first issue, but it was not easy!
Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:20 am
Thanks guys.
The only thing is, the next one just came out, and I STILL havn't gotten my magazine. --' Now I dun know WHICH one to expect. (Still havn't gotten the promo's either.)
Wed Mar 16, 2005 10:43 am
...and they wonder why people aren't subscribing in droves.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:54 pm
I subscribe to the Magazine.
Your first issue will probably be the next one (not the current one with Fyora on the cover). At least for me, they always seem to arrive quite late. Your plushie will probably come before the magazine, maybe in a couple weeks. It's quite cute, by the way.
Edit: If you subscribed 4-5 weeks ago, you probably
will get the Fyora issue. I already got mine, though, and I renewed about the same time as you subscribed. o_0 Beckett is weird.
Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:14 pm
Naniwai wrote:I subscribe to the Magazine.
Your first issue will probably be the next one (not the current one with Fyora on the cover). At least for me, they always seem to arrive quite late. Your plushie will probably come before the magazine, maybe in a couple weeks. It's quite cute, by the way.
Edit: If you subscribed 4-5 weeks ago, you probably
will get the Fyora issue. I already got mine, though, and I renewed about the same time as you subscribed. o_0 Beckett is weird.
It's actually been 5-6 weeks now-if I don't get it soon I'll have my mom complain.
Of course, I'll probably find it in my mailbox once I stop asking my mom every two seconds if I can go check the mail. XD (Okay, so I exagerated a bit, but you get the idea.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:50 am
Well, I always used to get mine 2-4 weeks after it comes out at the newsstand. Maybe they will send you the next one, not the Fyora one.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:04 pm
Naniwai wrote:At least for me, they always seem to arrive quite late.
That's really bad form on the magazine people's (TNTs) part. I used to subscribe to various magazines years ago and I more often than not (aside from a few exceptions where there might have been public holidays or something) I got the magazine a number of days before it turned up in stores.
Can you buy the magazine at any of your local stores? If you can perhaps you could ask someone there if they've been posted the next issue yet? If the store has been sent them then you probably should have (give or take a few days).
Other than that, if you're suspicious, I'd definately suggest writing to them, either via e-mail or snail-mail.
Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:05 pm
Eh, I don't really mind it that much.
Anyhow, it's Beckett's fault, not Neo's.
Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:28 am
Oi, just what I need, neo horror storys to assure me my magazine will come soon. XD
Still hasn't come-I hope it comes before I leave the day after easter for my spring vacation...
EDIT: OKay, I'm a little ticked now. My mom ordered the magaizine when the promo was the white doglefox-I just got an envelope with a red scorchio plushie and a tcg pack, no magazine.
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