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Been hacked, but I need some help!

Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:34 pm

Hello, I know I am rather new here, and this seemed the appropriate place to be posting

Today, I discovered I have been hacked, lost 3 million, 2.8 million of that was money in my guild till...


I've been frozen before, so losing that money, it didn't seem such a big deal, I still have my account though, because I am always logged on. However, they didn't know this, but I don't know my password now. Anything I earn or get, they can just steal. I need some help getting my password back, because they have changed my mail. And I can't do anything without my password. Any advice on how to go about this then? Any help is so greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:37 pm

ohh try to contact TNT .. that's the best thing if you can't get into your account and they changed your e-mail address then maybe TNT can help you but they have so much stuff to do with topics like this it's crazy. So I think that would be your best bet until then just play under a new account because you may never see that one again.. Sorry

Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:38 pm

But I am logged into my account, I always am, I never log out :D

That's the advantage of having your own computer I guess!

EDIT: How amazing is that? They never changed my password!

Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:47 am

if they had changed your password you would have been loged out.

I suggest making sure they didn't change your e-mail then changing your password to a combo of letters and numbers for example

trpl7gn or qep34jt

those types of passwords are harder to guess

Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:19 am

If you change your password, they will be logged out. Change your e-mail address (and it's password) as well.

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