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omg omg

Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:09 am

I had 40k out of the bank. Anyway I left neopets and just came back with 180k out! Either I was being hacked and someone was giving me neopoints or a huge glitch was happening. I look at my neomail and see the neopets team and am like oh cool I won a trohpie for some contest. BETTER! I put my good items into auction so the pant devil can't get them. (I don't like the safety deposit box). Anway I had a bri codestone for 140k in my auctions and some dude bid on it! omgomg thats all I can say!

Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:18 am

haha, now THAT is funny! Wish we could see who wins the stuff we sell in auctions.

Maybe some rich person decided to be nice...anyway congrats :)

Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:20 am

They sent me a neomail saying:
Dear JamesJimmy

You will be pleased to know that your Neopets auction Lot No. 34931761 (Bri Codestone) has been successful, and that 155000 NeoPoints have been credited to your account. Below is a list of the bids and other information.

Bid : 155000 NeoPoints, placed by whatprivacy.

We hope that you had fun participating in this auction! If you have any comments or suggestions on things we can do to improve the world of Neopia then email us at:

Yours Sincerely,
The Neopets Team!

Web :
Dont forget to tell your friends about us - send them a greeting at

Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:30 am

I'd say from looking at their account, you've been the recipiant of a Random Act of Kindness, I'd pass it along if I were you lol.

Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:53 am

whoa thats awesome!

Mon Mar 07, 2005 4:01 am

My guess is that she saw you were a new player (3 weeks, no shop) and felt a bit of charity overtake her. Personally, I would thank her for her act of kindness--because, from the type of pets she has and the age of her account, etc., she obviously knew the true price of the codestone.

Mon Mar 07, 2005 4:04 am

actually I am 2 months with a size 16 shop...My username is James_WC but my name is JamesJimmy for my profile.

Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:28 am


I personally think u should neomail the chap and say a word thank you or something like that. It was really nice of her.

Maybe the user decided to quit neopets and donate ur stuff to 1 lucky person. It was u. =]

Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:21 am

Someone once bid 800k on a lot of mine which was only worth 20k or so. Now that's really generous kindness.

Needless to say, being the receiver of such kindness is as pleasant as being the giver. :P Congratulations! :D

Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:27 pm

Jameswc wrote:actually I am 2 months with a size 16 shop...My username is James_WC but my name is JamesJimmy for my profile.

Oh, sorry about that. :oops:

Still, you may seem like a new person to someone who has been on forever and has a size gazillion shop. I get that feeling every so often, even though I have been playing for years, because my shop is really small.

Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:08 am

I asked him about it...

SNak Edit: Fixed the stretch, changed to link.

Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:10 am

I dont understand Holly?

Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:31 am

vtothec wrote:I dont understand Holly?

I neomailed the guy who apparently bought the codestone for 155k, and that's what he said.

Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:17 am

Were you auctioning a fire babaa?
Or was it just a very strange glitch that you both lucked out on?

Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:09 pm

arogance1 wrote:Were you auctioning a fire babaa?
Or was it just a very strange glitch that you both lucked out on?

Yikes, if that was a glitch, my heart goes out to the poor user who put the fire babaa in the auctions, but did not get his/her nps for it.
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