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Laboratory isn't loading

Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:39 am

So I can't see the change to my lab rat. The lab2 page doesn't load unless I press 2 times and then the lab says its only once per day.

Does anyone know how make the lab2 page load.

Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:43 am

I was having that problem every few days awhile back. I don't really know what changed but perhaps do a quick check of your internet settings to ensure the privacy/protection ones haven't gone up another level. Other than that, I'd suggest keeping a record of your pet's stats so you can check them again after you've used the Lab and then know what has changed.

Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:11 am

I don't think it was only with the lab ray. I was advertising on the beauty contest board and the site froze up for about 15-20 min.

Edit: It looks like it froze up again. I think the server is having trouble, and I'm even lucky enough to be using my mom's cable, premium service connection.

Sun Mar 06, 2005 7:34 am

Odd, it seems to be working fine for me - I just tried o_O
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