For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:38 am
Extracted from the Neopian Times Editorial:
We weren't going to have a war this time as we want to rewrite how our wars work. This should make it fairer to the people with weaker, less experience pets and provide a challenge to the players with expert battledomers. The more we think about it, the more it seems to make sense that there would be some element of fighting tied into this plot. It does feature a lot of pirates after all! We just need to make things smoother and fairer for everybody. Sorry if that is a bit of a round about way to answer your question.
We are almost certain there will be a war, but I wouldn't go wasting your Neopoints on expensive equipment as this battle will not work in the same way as before.
The first sentence stated that there will not be any war
The last paragraph said stated that there should be war.
I'm abit confuse, can anyone explain to me? thx
Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:54 am
Originally they were not going to have a war for the Maraquan plot. However, they have changed their minds and there will be a differently run small war in order to test a new sort of system for a larger war later on.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:08 am
i see... thanks, it much clearer now..
Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:14 am
The editorial wrote:We weren't going to have a war this time as we want to rewrite how our wars work. This should make it fairer to the people with weaker, less experience pets and provide a challenge to the players with expert battledomers. The more we think about it, the more it seems to make sense that there would be some element of fighting tied into this plot. It does feature a lot of pirates after all! We just need to make things smoother and fairer for everybody. Sorry if that is a bit of a round about way to answer your question. We are almost certain there will be a war, but I wouldn't go wasting your Neopoints on expensive equipment as this battle will not work in the same way as before.
Kennethzzz wrote:The first sentence stated that there will not be any war
The last paragraph said stated that there should be war.
Actually, the first sentence says that there
wasn't going to be a war, not that there
won't be one. It's a key difference.
In essence, the reply says, We weren't going to have a war, but now we probably will -- but it won't be like past wars.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:48 am
anyone have any ideas how this new system might work??
Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:08 pm
cipher_text wrote:anyone have any ideas how this new system might work??
Possibly each person can only fight a limited number of each enemy.
Edit: that wasn't much for post 500...
Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:19 pm
Lord Nword wrote:cipher_text wrote:anyone have any ideas how this new system might work??
Possibly each person can only fight a limited number of each enemy.
Edit: that wasn't much for post 500...

My continuing theory is that they will create a battle pet that everyone uses so it's all the same and it's all equal. Everyone will use the same character and the same itmes, abilities, etc.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:58 pm
cipher_text wrote:anyone have any ideas how this new system might work??
I think somehow they'll base which challengers you see by what your pet's stats and equipment are. I'm not sure how they'd do that though.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:07 pm
I have a new theory! My new theory is that you have to fight an AI controlled version of yourself! Now wouldn't that be cool?
Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:22 pm
It will probably be like the 2nd meridel war, but one sided against pirates. I hope that the opponents won't have any posionous items that get your pet sick like the last war. I dislike that, it cost me a couple k.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:56 pm
If they have your fight with a preselected character, then it will vastly shock the vaulue of wepons in Neopia's trade and sell.
I mean...half the items that are as expencive as they are, ARE expencive because of wars. If they take out your own pet and your own wepons...then why should the expencive wepons stay expencive...I don't think in the long run that there are that many people who will spend that kind of NP's just to beat their friends in a match.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 4:25 pm
Stars_of_Night wrote:It will probably be like the 2nd meridel war, but one sided against pirates. I hope that the opponents won't have any posionous items that get your pet sick like the last war. I dislike that, it cost me a couple k.
I have a pirate pet- and I'm supposed to fight against them? I'd much rather have sides, I think...
Sat Mar 05, 2005 5:23 pm
This new system of war will very likely be what I like to call "Socialistic Combat".
Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:20 pm
Socialistic Combat? What is that, sounds very interesting.
I'm wondering if they're going to somehow base the opponents you can battle on your pet's stats this time, same as DiscordantNote. I don't know about equipped weapons though. Those you can unequip and put cheaper/weaker weapons in their place.
Makes me think maybe I should unequip the decent weapons I've been able to finally get and just equip my battle pet with basic 6 iconers. That I think should be done before there is any war, just in case they decide to "lock" your pet's equipped weapons so you can't change them out once the war starts and your opponents are released.
I am very confused about this whole new system thing! Personally, I would rather they had stayed with the original plan and not had a war for this plot. 2 in a row (especially after that last lame war and all that poison in the first wave) is a bit much for everyone, especially us newer people to the battledome. I'd never been into battle before the last war at all.
Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:34 pm
Everyone is getting too hyped up about this in my opnion. They haven't released a comic yet. They will probably have one but everyone can't we just stop trying to find things and just wait (NOT!)
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