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New News 2/21/05

Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:38 pm

21st February - Tonu Day!

New Game - As children young Skarl and Hagan loved nothing better than planning great war strategies with a game of Castle Battles and now you can play too!


There are pages and pages of Tonu fan art for you to enjoy in the Art Gallery.


You can now earn a honourary member award for the Booktastic Book Club.

There are four new sets available to buy at the Official Neopets Ebay Store each featuring all kinds of Plushies, Notebooks and other goodies.

ImageImageImageImage (group 2 added by me)

Tonus can now be turned Darigan or Glowing!


Today's Pet Spotlight award has been given to a Tonu called SoBurly.

There is a new Desktop Background featuring some Tonus starting their celebrations.


Tonu Day wouldn't be the same without a brand new avatar for you to collect...


There is a rather cute new Blog for you to use featuring a Tonu of all things.

If you fancy a change, why not use one of these new Tonu themed Buddy Icons?


If your shop is crying out or a new look, why not try one of these new Tonu Shopkeepers?

We have a new Tonu Collectable Card featuring a rather adventurous chef.


Take your Tonu to see Captain Threelegs and they can receive lots of lovely free training!

The Food Shop has three healthy burgers specially created for Tonu Day on sale.


A new Story Telling Competition has begun and it seem like someone is suffering from writers block...
Seriah completely lapsed into despair. She didn't even have a title! All she had was the desire to write, but at this point not even that was doing her a lot of good. She couldn't even figure out how to start the first page!

Four new Tonu themed books have just gone on sale in the Book Shop.


There is a page of Tonu themed Poems in the gallery.

Last, but not least, we have a new Caption Contest. Why don't you enter and see if you can be a winner?
Last edited by _B4U_ on Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:39 pm

I love having a day named after my old username! :P

And I love the Darigan Tonu... Even more than my Mutant Tonu!! :o

Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:32 pm

The darigan tonu is really nice! I love it :) Not gonna change one of my pets into a tonu though hehe

Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:38 pm

wonderweasle's maraquan tonu in the art gallery is very nicely drawn. I like it a lot.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:16 am

hmmm, I think I'm going to have to go cheak out the Neo E-bay store...might be better than taking a trip to the nearest mall to buy plushies...not that a 2 hour drive is all THAT far...and not like I go just for the plushies...but still..I think I'll go cheak it out... lol

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:17 am

I really like the castle battle game, finally Neopets, a 3-D game, Woot!

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:29 am

Lady Night wrote:hmmm, I think I'm going to have to go cheak out the Neo E-bay store...might be better than taking a trip to the nearest mall to buy plushies...not that a 2 hour drive is all THAT far...and not like I go just for the plushies...but still..I think I'll go cheak it out... lol

The shipping is RIDICULOUS, especially international.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:33 am

...Are those Tonu burgers made out of Tonus? O___O;; I mean, I know I said I don't like Tonus, but I never wanted them to be ground up and put under a bun!

Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:52 am

AFI_Sorrow wrote:...Are those Tonu burgers made out of Tonus? O___O;; I mean, I know I said I don't like Tonus, but I never wanted them to be ground up and put under a bun!

you know if you think about it, Neo is rather canabalistic...they have quggle pie, and quite a few other items of food made from pets and or THAT would make a spooky gallery account lol

Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:45 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:wonderweasle's maraquan tonu in the art gallery is very nicely drawn. I like it a lot.

Hmm, I seem to get Mynci pictures in the art gallery, >.>

Anywho, Wonder Weezle's picture got in the art gallery? Congrats! :D

Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:36 pm

If you look at the collectible card, the Tonu is cooking a grundo.
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