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Crud! Score revision.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:41 pm

(Lee abajo) Tu puntuacion esta siendo revisada por al personal. Si resulta valida, recibras tus Neopuntos y apareceras en la tabla de maxima puntuacion.

I don't know that much Spanish, but I picked out the word "revision". I got it while playing Meerca Chase, and the score I got was hardly worthy of the high score board. However, all I got was a yellow negg and a fish negg, meaning the game ended pretty quickly with very few points. I'm not in the mood to get frozen and start over, especially since this is the first time I've had a pet as powerful as my Ruki (and he's trained with codestones! No lab ray for my precious). what?

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:43 pm

Basically, it says your score is being reviewed by the staff and if they think it is a valid score, you'll get your neopoints and be added to the high score table.


Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:44 pm

mayanspypilot wrote:Basically, it says your score is being reviewed by the staff and if they think it is a valid score, you'll get your neopoints and be added to the high score table.


I know what it says (just with the one word I picked out). I'm worried because it's NOT high score worthy, and I managed to score a lot of points in a very short game.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:09 pm

I get that from time to time too...I think they either pick some at random to check and make sure people aren't cheating or there is some kinda of quota for points per second playing...either way you somehow triggered the message...I have gotten it quite a few times and always by the time I could refresh I had the points... The one time that I did get a high score for a throphy it didn't say anything about the score being reviewed. I wouldn't worry about it.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:10 pm

You'll be fine :) It's just a random thing the staff does to random scores, hi-score table worthy or not!

Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:14 pm

Yeah...I did get it before when playing Escape to Kreludor, but I actually had a good score in that which was gained from a decent amount of play time. Not high score worthy, but still pretty high. This Meerca Chase 2 business must've been triggered by a point-per-second thing, considering it didn't even beat my own high score and that the game was only 5 seconds long at most.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:11 pm

I had that happen once when I started a game of Faerie Bubbles, shrunk it and forgot about it, then finished it and sent my score the next day. I think it does have something to do with the length of time it takes you to play the game (either too fast or too slow, apparently).

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:56 pm

I've had it happen a couple of times, most recently with Ultimate Bullseye, i scored enough to get the avatar but because it was sent to be reviewed I never did get that av... :x They seem to do it randomly on some low scores, I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:03 pm

I've gotten that message twice now - on the Limited Too matching game. There's not even a high score table for that. It's a sponsor game!

My "high score"? 376 ... this does worry me. I have to either play that slowly or not bother at all. The first time, my score was 375 and I got the np the next day. Now for one extra point I'm being "reviewed" again? Like I'm really going to risk my account for 376 np.

Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:25 pm

I got one of that before.

Did not bother about it. TNT frozen 2 of my previous accounts. was really smurf already. :evil:

In the end, i got added into the table, got my neopoints and the trophy.

Relax my friend. wait for ur np and high score. ;)

Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:22 pm

You get that automatically if your Mootix Drop score is 2000 or more.

You also get the full amount of neopoints (2000+) if the score goes through :roll:
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