sorry, just had to get that out of the way after reading Phlameseeker's question. xjox does indeed own my heart, and takes very good care of it -- better than I had
Anyway, there IS something weird going on with the filters lately. Lots of really innocent stuf is coming up -blocked- I've also seen alot of -no html comments- though I have no idea what the heck is going on with that either.
I had to change my gallery lookup text. I had typed:
Neofriend Requests: Closed
Guild Invites: Closed
Battledome Challenges: Closed
Neomail: Mostly Open
When I went to my lookup (don't even know why), the Neomail: Mostly Open was suddenly
Neomail: Mostly -blocked-
Can someone explain what the 2 words Mostly Open could in any way be offensive?
Our guild had HTML coding help written on the front page - now that says No html comments
I know that anything with the word link in it was being blocked which was a royal pain for people with something named blinkie.gif, for example. At first it was just anything within a tag with link in it, maybe that's been extended to anything at all saying link. Who knows anymore?
I sure do wish if they're going to ban certain words they'd let us know!