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What does TNT have against Kougras??

Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:32 pm

*sniff* I just noticed something rather odd when I checked my shop front earlier... ... hygirl79uk

First off they have taken my blog out of my shop... so it looks all funny and second of all, they have -blocked- my link to my Kougra Gallery....

I immediately thought that there was a new rule about linking directly to shops, but if you scroll down there are still 3 other links on the page to other shops!

So I ask, has this happened to anyone else recently? Are we no longer allowed to link directly to our galleries?

Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:37 pm

No idea, but one question. How exactly did you come to own Everconfuseds heart? :P

Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:38 pm

That's... odd. o_o

I've never seen it happen to anyone else. Maybe someone with something aginst Kougras reported that.... And.. um....... I honestly have no idea..

Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:44 pm

Hm. That's strange... o_O *Gives a hug to xjox*

Seeing as it linked to another Neopian part of the website, it should not have done that. Especially to another shop... I've never seen it happen before. Maybe while they were going on their link blocking spree, they found you as well.

Hope this all gets sorted soon... I like Kougras!

Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:48 pm

Phlameseeker wrote:No idea, but one question. How exactly did you come to own Everconfuseds heart? :P

Ahhh the story of how I acquired everconfused's heart.... *tells a tale of my courage in beating off other would be owners...* it all started here: ... 8&start=18

I bid the most so I win nyah nyah!:P

And I guess baku is right, I probably was reported for some bizarre reason, although I see nothing offensive in my gallery, aside from the fact that I haven't logged into it for 85 days!:P ... gracentral

Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:58 pm

:roflol: sorry, just had to get that out of the way after reading Phlameseeker's question. xjox does indeed own my heart, and takes very good care of it -- better than I had ;)

Anyway, there IS something weird going on with the filters lately. Lots of really innocent stuf is coming up -blocked- I've also seen alot of -no html comments- though I have no idea what the heck is going on with that either.

I had to change my gallery lookup text. I had typed:

Neofriend Requests: Closed
Guild Invites: Closed
Battledome Challenges: Closed
Neomail: Mostly Open

When I went to my lookup (don't even know why), the Neomail: Mostly Open was suddenly

Neomail: Mostly -blocked-

Can someone explain what the 2 words Mostly Open could in any way be offensive? o_O

Our guild had HTML coding help written on the front page - now that says No html comments

I know that anything with the word link in it was being blocked which was a royal pain for people with something named blinkie.gif, for example. At first it was just anything within a tag with link in it, maybe that's been extended to anything at all saying link. Who knows anymore?

I sure do wish if they're going to ban certain words they'd let us know!

Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:58 pm

who knows, i had "get" blocked when explaining to someone how to get an avatar or another :roll:

Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:22 am

My blog was deleted as well, but ONLY the stuff up to a link to a petpage got deleted. The rest was intact. I removed the link to the petpage, and it worked fine.

Why they have neopet links blocked? I don't know. But I hope it's a bug.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:11 am

I have 2 blogs in my gallery - one with links to asparagus pages on neopets, and one with text talking about asparagus. My whole userlookup got cleared and it said 'link blocked'... I couldn't figure out why, so I moved the blogs around, and when I switched the two, they worked again. *shrug* It's all very weird.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:13 am

so THAT'S why they kept blocking blinkies ¬_¬

in my opinion they are blocking WAY too many things. what are they trying to protect us from? Ourselves?

In regards to xjox, I believe it should be just a glitch.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:16 am

The result of one little kid putting something they shouldn't in their shop and thinking they're cool. We all suffer for immature people that think it's fun to break the rules because Adam didn't sign their Shirt well enough or something

Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:44 pm

This has happened to my friend Jessica who is one Neopets. She tried to link our old guild (which no longer exists) donation account shop to her Ice and Snow gallery on her main account.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:48 pm

I've also had problems with things being blocked. I had one of the animated Neopets images on my petpage and it was blocked. I don't know why they are blocking things that come from their own site. I'm guessing there's some kind of bug at work.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:18 pm

Definitely sounds like some errant coding at work, how odd.

However, to answer the question in the title - don't think TNT has anything against Kougras, Adam's birthday is Kougra Day :)

Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 pm

They also blocked a bunch of fun games from 12 and under accounts.I don't like that concidering I am 12. :x
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