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Theres a pink poogle toy on the latest background :)

Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:54 am

There are approxamately 850 plushies on neopets.....

on the new background, there is a hapiness faerie and an adam plushie, of course. and then there is a broken yellow chia and the new plushie slorg plushie....

so, now there are 846 left...

of those, i dont think they just HAPPENED to pick a pink poogle toy. :D or at least, the artist didnt......

hip hip..... hooray?


Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:55 am

I noticed that, very cool.

Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:59 am

I can identify 13 different plushies....
(Blue Spardel, Adam, Happiness Faerie, Yellow Chia, Plushie Slorg, PPT, Meowclops, Gorix (grundo), Red Bori, Red Punchbag Bob, King Skarl, Snowager and Island Faerie.

And a WHOLE LOT of stuffing....

Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:05 am

Intentional or not, I love it when TNT puts us in something! :D

Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:06 am

Lord Nword wrote:I can identify 13 different plushies....
(Blue Spardel, Adam, Happiness Faerie, Yellow Chia, Plushie Slorg, PPT, Meowclops, Gorix (grundo), Red Bori, Red Punchbag Bob, King Skarl, Snowager and Island Faerie.

And a WHOLE LOT of stuffing....

I see all of those, but you have to admit that the pink poogle toy is the most prominent. Don't know if it is because of its flaring pinkness or because of the its positioning in the picture, but it does stand out.

Go, Pink, go!

Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:12 am

Ah, TNT loves us. They truly do...

Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:14 am

Fishblade_Bluestream wrote:Ah, TNT loves us. They truly do...

They might not want to make it public, but I feel that they have given us several subtle messages showing us that they do.

Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:58 am

TNT may be cool, but Doug_Dohring is still the "devil incarnate".

[evil satan voice]Eat McDonalds! I promise you it has no mind-altering drugs that will turn all who consume it into hapless zombies designed to do my bidding. And it will not make you fat. In fact, McDonalds is *very* good food. Eat it to become big and strong![/evil satan voice]

Sorry, I watched the 'soles' flash on ABS today. But Doug is still evil. :evil:

Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:00 am

hip hip hooray indeed! TNT is subtle, but we're catching on to their "I love PPT" messages.

Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:10 am

*wants to hug the poogle because it's so cute* Oo PPT the secret's in .0000000009 font on the poogle's nose ^^

Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:20 am

Marshmallow Sky wrote:TNT may be cool, but Doug_Dohring is still the "devil incarnate".

[evil satan voice]Eat McDonalds! I promise you it has no mind-altering drugs that will turn all who consume it into hapless zombies designed to do my bidding. And it will not make you fat. In fact, McDonalds is *very* good food. Eat it to become big and strong![/evil satan voice]

Sorry, I watched the 'soles' flash on ABS today. But Doug is still evil. :evil:

Hey, what about people like me who are underweight. I need fast food!

On topic, I agree it's really neat that they mention us on the site. It's like being a second-degree celebrity.

Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:27 am

*shakes head*
Frankly I won't put much stock into this. It's a toy, in a picture.

Somehow this seems a lot like seeing elvis in the peanut butter to me.

Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:39 am

Morningstar wrote:I see all of those, but you have to admit that the pink poogle toy is the most prominent. Don't know if it is because of its flaring pinkness or because of the its positioning in the picture, but it does stand out.

It seems like it has been prominent at times like #5 plushies and asparagus!

Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:51 am

ahoteinrun wrote:*shakes head*
Frankly I won't put much stock into this. It's a toy, in a picture.

Somehow this seems a lot like seeing elvis in the peanut butter to me.

Ditto on that.

I hate to be a downer, but before there was PPT there was the Pink Poogle Toy.

Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:55 am

From seeing that picture... I thought of an idea for Neopets...
Have like a plushie tycoon type area and gather supplies from a shop.. and make your own Plushie.
Like... Gather 5 Pink Rolls.... 3 buttons... A Needle... Some Thread.... Some stuffing.... and make a Pink Poogle Toy?
Just thought It was a good idea. >_>
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