For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:25 am
Is there a trick or anything where you buy an item straight without the need to haggle??All help is appreciated
Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:11 am
Other than certain shops like the igloo garage sale, the hidden tower etc, all neopian shops require haggling, and there is no way to bypass them other than through the usage of cheat programmes.
Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:53 pm
Qanda wrote:Other than certain shops like the igloo garage sale, the hidden tower etc, all neopian shops require haggling, and there is no way to bypass them other than through the usage of cheat programmes.
Just put in the price they are looking for. Unless it a very rare item, not haggling wont earn you any money though.
Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:52 pm
galonski64 wrote:Qanda wrote:Other than certain shops like the igloo garage sale, the hidden tower etc, all neopian shops require haggling, and there is no way to bypass them other than through the usage of cheat programmes.
Just put in the price they are looking for. Unless it a very rare item, not haggling wont earn you any money though.
I always type in the nearest hundred or thousand, depending on the store price of the item. And I usually round up, because that guarantees that the shopkeeper will accept your offer.
Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:21 pm
If an item is priced at 5000, haggle like so: 4545, 5000, 4646, or 4888.
Items priced like 6706, haggle like so: 6555, 6666, 6767, 6868.
Items priced like 1101, haggle like so: 1111, 1212, 1000, or 1313.
Don't worry about overpaying than what they ask for sometimes by 100np or so. If you're going for good items that won't matter. And of course variations of the type can also be substituted.
Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:16 am
The onlse ones I ever enter are things like "77" "888" "1111" or "1233" "741" ect.
You need to know where all the numbers are, which isn't a very difficult task, but if you use the numberpad I'd reccomend a round or two of
Tontie, that game really helps with your hand-eye coordination.
If you overpay by around 10% of what they ask for, they'll say that they think you paid too much and send you back to the haggling page.
Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:54 am
LaceyJade wrote:I'd reccomend a round or two of
Wow, what a bizarre, addictive game. Too bad I can't earn nps for it.