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What? Something strange with my Neopoints

Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:33 am

Around noon yesterday (Hehe, its midnight here!) I took all the Neopoints I had in the bank (Exactly 37000, I remember) and went up to Terror Mountain to buy a few cheap things (nothing over 1000 NP, I believe). The only things I did to earn Neopoints after this time was Lost Desert Scratchcards, which I only won NP once, and as it was a Scorched Treasure, gave me equal, a Snow Faerie Quest, in which she gave me a little over what I spent, a few random events (maybe), and PPL (Amdir_Mallorn's Wadget) which would only have accounted for 5,300 NP or thereabouts.

Today when I went to put the NP back in the bank as I was no longer trying to get an Ice Lolly, I collected 10 NP of interest without taking notice of anything, as I was used to having it all in the bank. Then, I remembered... and was quite shocked to see that I now had 33,010 NP in the bank, and 42,398 NP on hand. There is no way I could have earned that much, and I only went to the bank once that day, and that was to collect interest and take it all out.

I have already sent in a bug report... but do you have any suggestions of what I could do until I get a reply?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:39 am


I believe they did a rollback.
because I have approx the same amount of neopoints today as yesterday at 12:00am (28k) (was online too). Yesterday, did my dailies, and won 10k from the turdles so I had ~38k.
Now I only have 17k!! ( I bought nothing yesterday)
Im not sure how much I did have, but Im sure Im missing money.
Last edited by Vicky on Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:41 am

Noo... I don't think they did... as I had 37000 NP in my bank yesterday, not 33,000. At least, I don't think I earned 4000 NP yesterday... *Squinches in thought* And then why would I have the 40-someodd-k NP on hand? *Ish confuzzled* Meh.

Oh! And I just remembered. I went to the bank twice more than I thought - to take out a thousand NP on my dailies, which I earned back in Gormball. But both of those were quite awhile before I took all the Neopoints out of the bank.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:25 pm

Makes me wish I took out all my np to see if it would double, lol.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:45 pm

And what would be the reason for a rollback anyway? Nothing bad's been happening with the site, it's been pretty glitch-free lately, hasn't it? I don't think they'd rollback just for kicks.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:59 pm

Maybe you went to the bank without remembering it. I dunno.

My finances remain in the same state they were.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:14 pm

Did you win PPL?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:00 pm

I had something similar happen on Tuesday. I spend eons aiming for the Codebreakers trophy, and when I sent, it gave the "score being reviewed" message. I didn't get my NP, and I refreshed several times to check for an update. At that time, I had abour 7300 NP on hand. I went to work (and nobody else uses the computer), and when I came back, I had my trophy, and had 17,000 NP or so on hand. I had no neomails, so I didn't win a Lenny Conundrum or M Pic or get a gift from a friend... I just suddenly had 10K extra points...

Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:12 pm

i have 100,000 neopoints i dont remember having?!
though i spose i may have had it, im not sure if i spent 200k or 300 k yesterday..

Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:41 pm

Mike..Duke wrote:Did you win PPL?

Yes... that would only have accounted for 5,300 NP or thereabouts, though. My Petpet wasn't old enough to get 40-some odd-k NP! :o

And I'm quite sure I didn't go to the bank after I took it out... because, that morning, I only had 37000. Now... thats like doubled. o.o

I am still waiting for a response... is the same thing happening to you, Setekh?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:53 pm

Oh no! That means the JAAIOFF might be sc--wait, I can't say that word here.

Everything's right with me. o__O Strange.

Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:08 am

Hm, that reminds me, the NP I had on hand doubled yesterday. 10000 with the odd hundreds doubling to just under 21000. I didn't win the PPL (contrary to last time when my NP tripled and I didn't know why) either. But yesterday, I also remember going to the Lost Desert kiosk...perhaps it's something there. Not gonna bother with the bug report as it's not a significant amount though.

Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:12 am

Hmmm, I did notice something fishy when I noticed I had about the same np as yesterday, even thought right before midnight I deposited 1k in the bank.

Edit: ooh, that 1k I deposited in the bank is still there. :o I deposited the extra 1k.
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