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Do you want neoschools?

Yes! Neopets made content now just finish.
No, I hate school what makes me think I like neoschools?
Plain simple NOPE!
Total votes : 46

Do you want neoschools?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:21 am

I do what about you?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:10 am

YES YES YES YES! TNT! If you're reading this! Can you PWEEAAASSSEEE finish Neo Schools? :battar:

Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:13 am

In all honesty, I don't even care about it anymore. :roll:

Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:18 am

I do want neoschools but only if they can actually finish it, there is nothing worse than them releasing things half finished!

Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:29 am

Not in the least. Such things clearly became a joke long ago and Im more than willing to say that they shouldn't even bother bringing them up anymore. It is because of Neoschools that many of us have to question the validity of statements the Staff of Neopets release. It's apparent with these banner ads that they want to be professional, but at the same time, kid-friendly and cool. However, pushing stuff onto the back burner doesn't really throw a sense of professionalism into my ballpark

if they're not gonna come, I just want an upfront anwser. Fortunately, it's just a website and I can deal with realschools anytime of the week, hehe.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:10 am

I would like neoschools, because I stocked up on supplies during that "rush" to get supplies last year. I don't know what I'll do with them... If they do retire the neoschools idea, then I'll have a whole bunch of retired items to add to my gallery. That would be nice, too! :)

Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:13 am

If Neoschools evers comes, that will be the day yours truley will flap her arms and fly away with cows, pigs and other various farm animals. :roll: Yeah, I would like them but I'm convinced it's over. They're not coming. TNT thought they could do it, they thought they had a brilliant idea. Half through the Neoschool pre-party they realized, "Are you kidding? I have no idea how to make this blasted school you speak off."

And now they are too embaressed to tell us the truth. That they can't do it. O___O But if they ever were to come, I'd welcome the schools. As long as they aren't horrible. But I'll be flying half way across the country with those cows and pigs, remember? ^_^

Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:41 am

Yes and no. Yes, because they promised them so long ago and its another one of those project that still have yet to be done. No because I was never really enthusiastic about the idea and never really saw the point anyways. Can someone please tell me what the purpose was originally intended to be?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 5:20 am

AFI_Sorrow wrote:If Neoschools evers comes, that will be the day yours truley will flap her arms and fly away with cows, pigs and other various farm animals. :roll: Yeah, I would like them but I'm convinced it's over. They're not coming. TNT thought they could do it, they thought they had a brilliant idea. Half through the Neoschool pre-party they realized, "Are you kidding? I have no idea how to make this blasted school you speak off."

And now they are too embaressed to tell us the truth. That they can't do it. O___O But if they ever were to come, I'd welcome the schools. As long as they aren't horrible. But I'll be flying half way across the country with those cows and pigs, remember? ^_^

Hehe, I'll keep this thread bookmarked! :P

Really hope the project isnt abandoned and its just below the Maraquan plot in the to-do list. :)

Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:02 am

They really need to just finish up all their old projects before going on new ones, that's how I feel. It's good that they're finally going to finish up Maraqua (I believe I was still in PointZero when that started), and it'd be nice to see them add Neoschools and finish the Kreludor Sloth plot.

Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:35 pm

It doesn't bother me that much that it hasn't come out...
But I would like it...

Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:18 pm

Depends on what it does ....
Best if it gives out trophies like DoN :D

Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:11 pm

I'm curious as to what NeoSchools will be like, but I don't really care when it comes out, if it ever does. When/if it does come out, I won't send my pets their anyways, as I don't like school. Besides, my pets are a bit too old to go to school anyway...

Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:30 pm

I really don't care about neoschools. :oops: I wasn't crazy over the idea to begin with and I wasn't completely devastated when they "postponed" it, even though I was sort of annoyed that they created items and everything for it. :P

Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:04 pm

Yes only because I want profit on all the school items I stocked up on!
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