For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:23 pm
Anyone else get this email? I found it in my junk mail and I doubt neopets would send this out when I replied get lost scammer I got a address unknown doesnt exist email back.
From :
Neopets Donations <>
Reply-To :
Sent :
Wednesday, February 2, 2005 1:42 AM
To :
Subject :
Help Keep Neopets Alive!
Junk E-Mail
We've identified this mail as junk. Please tell us if we were right or wrong by clicking Junk or Not Junk
Greetings Neopets user!
As you know maintaining and hosting Neopets requires quite a bit of time, money,
and effort. Recently due to increased popularity in the land of Neopia our
hosting costs have risen above our profit margin. We are asking all members who
can, to please make a donation to keep alive.
We currently have an E-Gold account setup(You can find more information about
E-gold at
We ask that you send all donations to E-Gold Account# 1880579
Thank you in advance for your donation from the entire team here at Neopets.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:25 pm
Well, the email looks real, but it does sound like a scam... donations?
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:27 pm
I replied and it came back address unknown I really hope no one is dumb enough to fall fer this
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:28 pm
I think this is something you should pass onto the staff at Neopets. Someone is trying to catch people off guard and just might walk off with someones money, or worse credit card info.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:30 pm
alreayd have, sent them an neomail support dealie about it cuz this is ridiculious
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:30 pm
sylence, I can't help but noticing that you have your msn name listed in your PPT user look up. Is this the same email address that the letter went to? If so, my guess is that, once again, we have a lurker on PPT--finding out PPTer's email addresses and sending them scam letters. It has happened a few times here in the past.
It is probably a good idea for you to take your msn name off of your PPT look up because anyone can access those pages--members and non-members alike. Besides, if anyone here at PPT wants your msn name you can always send it to them in a PM. Much safer!
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:30 pm
I would say without a doubt that this is a scam.
Firstly, if TNT needed more money they'd probably just get more advertising, release more merchandise or increase the prices of premium. Not only that but I doubt "Neopia" has been growing at a rate any larger than normal lately. I'd suggest sending a message/report to TNT about this as posing as them and asking for money is very wrong.
I don't doubt that someone can fake an official address as I once had some spam/junk sender using one of my addresses (without access to my account) to send people spam, simply put, my address was only imposed onto the e-mails as a return address which meant I got lots of abusive mail from lots of very annoyed people for something I'd never done.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:34 pm
Whoa. Asking for actual money. That's a new one.
Scary beans.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:35 pm
Star, I did change it on my profile let them ask me fer it.. I also have notified neopets but anyone who knows me knows I dont use hotmail fer neo I use a real emaila ddie so anything that goes there I flag as a scam and report. I aklso asked neo to maybe announce it in the news since so many seem to get this I just wanted to alert people of the stinking scam cuz it aint right
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:47 pm
Proof of how easy it is for someone to fake an official Neopets e-mail: ... 3/fake.jpg
I love linking to that, it's so old (Summer of '03!) but it never gets old. XD
My friend Wayne did that, I've no idea how it's done, nor do I care to know.
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:51 pm
criminies.. I mean.. they need to find a way to make it a lot easier to tell its them so many spammers and scammers these days ~grr~ I am just glad I use a way diff email for the game
Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:53 pm
The thing that tips me off more than anything is the use of an off-site, third-party account payment program. It's like the scam letters people send around saying "Our database is down, we're using hotmail addresses for the time being". No way.
Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:55 am
I got this email from their support department
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We have investigated
and placed a value limit on account number 1880579, which will prevent it
from receiving any e-gold.
Thank You,
Due Diligence Unit
Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:58 am
well, at least you got a response...
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