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PPT's McDonalds Stamp Imprint article.....something wrong :(

Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:40 am

I'm a regular visitor to PPT and Im currently trying out PPT's McDonalds Stamp Imprint Quest article. There is something wrong with the Cybunny Imprint solution. According to the article:
Cybunny Stamp Imprint
To get the Cybunny stamp, you have to get all the McDonalds items (McDonalds Hamburger, McDonalds Beverage, McDonalds Happy Meal, McDonalds Apple Dippers, McDonalds Milk, McDonalds Chocolate Milk, Dollar Menu Double Cheeseburger, Dollar Menu Hot Fudge Sundae, Dollar Menu McValue Fries, Dollar Menu Side Salad) and keep them in your SDB. Go to the McDonalds Shop Page. Then Click On the Kyrii with Chicken McNuggets in hand, Usul with Fries in hand, Blumaroo with the Beverage in hand, and the Bruce or Kougra with the Burger in hand. It may not show up as a pop-up.

The McDonalds Hamburger does not exist, I think, I checked the Shop Wizard, Trading Post and also a Items Database. So I instead bought the following items:
McDonalds Happy Meal
McDonalds Cheeseburger
McDonalds Beverage
McDonalds Apple Dippers
McDonalds Chocolate Milk
McDonalds Milk
Dollar Menu Double Cheeseburger
Dollar Menu McValue Fries
Dollar Menu Hot Fudge Sundae
Dollar Menu Side Salad
Dollar Menu McChicken Sandwich
Dollar Menu Soft Drink

I then went to the McDonalds Restaurant and clicked on the pets the article said though not in the exact order since I could not figure how to return from the playplace. Even then I did not get the Cybunny Stamp Imprint.

What shallI do? :o

Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:43 pm

As I have said before. The suggested buying of items have never worked for me. I do not have anybody who can confirm it and have never seen a screenie of it.

Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:34 am

I think it's possible that TNT forgot about it... I said POSSIBLE. Not probable. I bet it's just a near-impossible one to get. Haven't we all figured that out? :P

Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:49 pm

But the prize money is just screaming at us. :O

Sorry, I don't know what to do about that either. :(

Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:41 pm

I am trying to get all the others on my new account, and cannot get the one that is for twice in a row because it keeps giving me the ones for over 300 score instead.

Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:43 am

yeah, i've never gotten the twice in a row one, even though i have one twice in a row before. . .

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