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Hey, anyone know the password for...

Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:32 am

Does anyone happen to know how to get into the Neopets image server? I've been trying for awhile now, just out of curiosity... I know - or I'm assuming - that there is something that comes after the original URL that would admit you to enter it. I could be wrong and it could be but I doubt it. Kind-of a silly question, but, someone, somewhere must know the answer. I do that sort of thing alot, like of you look, it will show the neopets host site, and various cache counters and such,,,, Anyway, if anyone has an answer for me, or just an idea, I'd love to hear it


Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:46 am

Well... its not really a password thing you need to get in there...
Really its not meant to be rummaged around in.
Its just if you're looking for images... you need the full url of that thing...

Is that makign sense? >D

I see..

Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:10 pm

I understand thst, I'd just like to get in there, because that's also where the Neopets staff update images and where all the assorted games are stored and such. It's also a very good way to keep ahead of everyone on the current plots... Not that I really take much part in that anyway, but, I just find it interesting, that's all!

Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:32 pm

'Ts impossible. Neo will not just let people see their servers. Ok? :roll:

Re: I see..

Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:44 pm

Aiko wrote:I understand thst, I'd just like to get in there, because that's also where the Neopets staff update images and where all the assorted games are stored and such. It's also a very good way to keep ahead of everyone on the current plots... Not that I really take much part in that anyway, but, I just find it interesting, that's all!

I think it's understandable that they want to keep certain aspects unavailable to the public (until "x" thing should be available of course). As far as finding things such as items and such, it's ment to be a suprise to a normal player when they load up a new pet color or item.

In my opinion, stuff like that should be reserved for staff only.

Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:54 am

Another question would be, why do you think you need just a password?....

Have you found some sort of password prompt?
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