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Looking for all info on the stats of the Brightvale Armor.

Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:17 am

I know a lot of them use intelligence, which I'm very happy about ^^ If you have any info on the stats of the robes, tunics, ect. from the Brightvale Armoury, please post below. Thank you!

Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:55 am

Brightvale Armory Ehh? :roll:

Re: Looking for all info on the stats of the Brightvale Armo

Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:14 am

Ice wrote:I know a lot of them use intelligence, which I'm very happy about ^^ If you have any info on the stats of the robes, tunics, ect. from the Brightvale Armoury, please post below. Thank you!

what intelligence??? o_O

Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:46 am

idb wrote:Heavy Robe Of Thievery Once per battle


1 Light Icon

Special Effects / Misc Info : Steals opponents weapon (100% steal rate)
ONLY WORKS FOR PETS WITH OVER 200 AGILITY STATS Disappears after stealing.
Description : This hooded cloak is preferref by thieves all around Neopia as it has deep pockets in which to hide your ill gotten gains.

White Linen Tunic Multiple use


3 Air Icons, 4 Earth Icons [7 Dark Icons]

Special Effects / Misc Info : Dark icon defence is only for pets with high intelligence stat. We know it works at 1000+, but we do not know the minimum.
Description : A crisp clean look that is perfect for the summer months.

Are these the ones you are talking about?

Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:59 am

holy crop

intelligence and speed???

man TNTs using everything now :cry:

Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:08 pm

cipher_text wrote:holy crop

intelligence and speed???

man TNTs using everything now :cry:

I think its rather nice that they're using all the attributes...

Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:46 am

Full Metal Alchemist wrote:Brightvale Armory Ehh? :roll:

Yes... did I say something silly? o.o

Exactly, watericesage. If you got that from IDB... well, they didn't have it up a while ago.

Seriously... was it something I said? o_O

Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:50 am

Ice wrote:
Full Metal Alchemist wrote:Brightvale Armory Ehh? :roll:

Yes... did I say something silly? o.o

Exactly, watericesage. If you got that from IDB... well, they didn't have it up a while ago.

Seriously... was it something I said? o_O

nah, I'm just rsing there from now. Not bad however, did make a quick 900k np already!

Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:09 am

Full Metal Alchemist wrote:
Ice wrote:
Full Metal Alchemist wrote:Brightvale Armory Ehh? :roll:

Yes... did I say something silly? o.o

Exactly, watericesage. If you got that from IDB... well, they didn't have it up a while ago.

Seriously... was it something I said? o_O

nah, I'm just rsing there from now. Not bad however, did make a quick 900k np already!

:evil: meanie :roll:

*glances over at the 2ook in his bank account*
blasted restockers

Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:19 am

Just out of question, how many robes were released?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:25 am

Finally, the thought of a good use for intelligance and speed. XD

Though, does anyone know if there is other brightvale stuff, with less steep requirments?

Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:06 am

probably not

Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:09 am

digitel_anime_fan_20 wrote:Finally, the thought of a good use for intelligance and speed. XD

Though, does anyone know if there is other brightvale stuff, with less steep requirments?

Hm... I've heard there's a good one for 700-someought intelligence, but that's why I started this thread, I don't know much about them :P

Full Metal Alchemist wrote: nah, I'm just rsing there from now. Not bad however, did make a quick 900k np already!

I hate you. <3
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