For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:00 am
The latest in the scams. Looks like many people all ready got tricked by it. Don't be the next person.
Blue Yurble sofas were buyable yesterday ... now people claim they are worth 8 million.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:02 am
I think we should have a sticky of inflated items.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:03 am
Thanks for the Heads-up!
It seems these inflation people are inflating something every day!
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:04 am
Seems they've moved from books to furniture eh?
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:05 am
I do think it is nice to see the name of the inflated item in the topic ... a sticky might not draw as much attention as one would like.
I suppose I could just change the title of the old thread when a new one comes along ... but that doesn't quite make as much sense for people looking at the history.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:07 am
Wow. Excellent job in finding such a thing! Amazing indeed.
RE the sticky... I think this method is more effective. At least this way you can see what Item's being Inflated much more easily
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:15 am
It is always the same people offering some weird thing on my trades.

It always makes me go ... "hmmm..." Sure enough ... I check it out ... and the trading post always claims it is worth millions of NPs.
Silly inflators. I just hope we can get the information out to the rest of the PPT'ers before they accept a bad offer.
I guess the inflating of things must be profitable, though. I was trying to buy one of theseblue yurble sofas cheaply from someone, so I could put it up in the trading post at the low price it should be at ... but the person told me that he had traded *4* Faerie Paint Brushes for it. eww.
Editted to add: One thing I *always* do ... as well. I always let the bids of the inflated item rot in my trades. I figure it is just one less of those inflated items that can be traded to someone else and make them sad.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:43 am
Thanks for posting
Yes I wondered where the influx of sofas had come from, seems its something new every day,
any bets for the type of thing that will come next....LOL.......
thanks again for the warning, and an excellent idea letting them rot so that they cant offer them to someone else...
Thanks for that suggestion, Ill certainly be taking that up.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:59 am
With some small bribes, I've managed to get someone to post their blue yurble sofa on the trading post at the "normalish" price of 50k. (actually ... the "bribes" came after they were convinced to do it ... so it was more like thank you gifts.)
They got burned by a bad trade for the blue yurble sofa ... but they are putting it on the post in order to help everyone else out.
Good to see good people out there. Hopefully the damage this one causes will be not too severe.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:56 am
actually, the prices of snowglobes are slowly rising up too much. All of them are up to 80k. The usual price of snowglobes is from 40-60k depending on the globe.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:12 am
There must be a guild or something that is doing this, one person on their own couldn't inflate so many items. Hopefully TNT catches them and freezes them for it!
Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:28 am
You know the best way to combat this (other than asking TNT to freeze them)? Whenever a PPTer notices an item slowly creeping up in price for no apparent reason, they should buy the item, put it up in their trades, and write:
"THIS ITEM IS NOT WORTH MORE THAN *insert number here*! Don't fall for a scam, don't buy this item for any more than *insert number here*"
The only problem is seeing if anyone is willing to sacrifice 100k or so to warn other people

I would, but I'm no market guru, and I wouldn't notice for the life of me if an item was inflating.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:54 am
Wow, will they ever stop doing it?
Mon Jan 31, 2005 1:13 pm
Wow...Another Inflated item. Xena you sure do have an eye for it...
Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:25 pm
Lot 156624415: | Owned by rentman_again | Report this lot
Aww, the arm rests look just like Yurble ears! Blue Yurble Sofa [Very Rare - r94]
The Wishlist of rentman_again: Very Clean, no Pets have been alowed on this Sofa, it's unbuyable but you can have it for 200,000np
That guy sounds like someone on ebay.
That is the lowest price I can find...
8mill at the top.
200k at the bottom.
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